Seaton House

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Seaton House is the largest homeless shelter in Toronto, Ontario. Canada[1] It is located at 339 George Street near Dundas Street East, several blocks from Yonge Street. The facility provides temporary lodging, food, clothing, medical care, for single men and also attempts to provide tools for establishing independence.[2] The shelter houses up to 700 men[1] though, in the past, it has exceeded capacity and housed as many as 900 men.[3]


[edit] Origins

The original Seaton House was built in 1931, during the Great Depression,[4][3] to provide a place to sleep and meals for transient men seeking work[5] and moved to its current premises in 1959.[3]

[edit] Facilities and regulations

There is room for 434 men in the main facility, 54 men are housed in the adjacent O'Neill House, a "time-out" facility for clients who are in crisis and unable to function within the main facility. During hot or cold weather alerts this facility is expanded to provide additional emergency shelter. An additional 140 men are housed in the Seaton House Annex through the Annex Harm Reduction Program.[6] Until the 1990s, the shelter operated on a highly regimented basis imposing a series of rules and regulations including a ban on alcohol and requiring men to get out of bed by 5:15 am.[4] A review of the shelter in the early 1990s was prompted by complaints of staff brutality and authoritarian regulations at the facility.[7] Rules into the 1990s included a requirement to register for a bed by 1:30 pm. The hostel itself did not open until 4 pm and returning clients were expected to provide proof that they applied for at least three jobs during the day,[3] the doors were locked at midnight and clients were expected to be in bed an hour earlier. Lights would go on at 5 am; breakfast was served at 5:30 am and 6:30 am and clients had to leave the premises by 7:30 am.[8] Clients were expected to spend their days looking for work.

Seaton House provides bathing facilities, delousing, a barber, laundry and lockers[9] as well as counselling and life skills training. Typically, a client will sleep in a large room with several bunk beds and shared bathroom. Three meals a day are provided. Clothing and shoes are available, if needed, as well as medical care from doctors and nurses.[6]

Funded by the provincial and city governments, the institution now operates on a 24-hour basis.[6]

[edit] Clientele

Over the years, the clientele changed from unemployed transients looking for what little work they could find to a population composed largely of ex-psychiatric patients, alcoholics and drug addicts[3] as well as the disabled,[5] refugees and others lacking family or community support have also ended up seeking temporary respite at Seaton House. In 1999, a sudden influx of Tibetan refugees resulted in 53 of them being provided temporary residence at Seaton House.[10] In 2002, several youths from Uganda who arrived in Toronto to participate in the Catholic Church's World Youth Day were housed in Seaton House after they requested asylum.[11][12]

[edit] Harm reduction

Since 1997, it has operated the Seaton House Annex Harm Reduction Program,[13] a "wet shelter" operated in conjunction with staff from St. Michael's Hospital on the harm reduction principle. Previously, Seaton House banned alcohol resulting in many homeless alcoholics opting to stay on the street and often seeking unsafe sources of liquor such as rubbing alcohol, cleaning or industrial products. Under the new "managed alcohol" policy clients enrolled in the program are served one drink every hour until it is determined that an individual is too inebriated at which point he is denied another shot. The clients have been found to gradually reduce their intake under this regime and many have quit entirely.[14][15] The 130 beds in the annex are reserved for homeless chronic alcoholics.[13] According to Dr. Tomislav Svoboda, a family physician attached to the program, it was opened as a result of the outcry that followed the deaths of three homeless alcoholics in the winter of 1995. Up until that time, welfare regulations prohibited alcoholics from receiving benefits. According to Svoboda, "The poor in Toronto essentially lived in prohibition. Many individuals were forced to make a decision between shelter and use of a substance." A coroner's inquest into the three deaths recommended the creation of a wet shelter. Following the introduction of the program, visits to the hospital by its participants fell by 84% while time spent in prison fell 100%.[13]

[edit] Relations with neighbourhood

Seaton House is blamed by some Cabbagetown residents for contributing to the deterioration of George Street and the surrounding area. The stretch of George Street between Dundas Street and Gerrard Street where Seaton House is located has been dubbed "crack alley" by neighbours. Neighbours accuse Seaton House of not properly supervising its residents who, they claim, can be seen on the street outside the facility dealing and smoking crack cocaine. Toronto's director of hostel services rejects the charge of neglect saying that Seaton House and the city "work closely with Toronto Police Services to address the issue of drug dealers who may prey on the men that use the Seaton House program."[16]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b "Unique and Flexible: One Family Health Team Serves its Population Health Needs", Family Health Team e-news, Spring 2006, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
  2. ^ "Seaton House shelter for men opens anew". Press release, June 19, 2001.
  3. ^ a b c d e Coutts, Jane, "The warehouse of human souls", Globe and Mail, August 7, 1993
  4. ^ a b "Seaton hostel needs updating, report says", Globe and Mail, July 9, 1993
  5. ^ a b "Dangerous shelter" (Editorial), Globe and Mail, April 3, 1984
  6. ^ a b c Seaton House Programs, City of Toronto website, accessed December 28, 2007
  7. ^ Duffy, Andrew, "Seaton House divided over allegations of brutality", Toronto Star, November 21, 1992
  8. ^ Hall, Joseph, "Down and out in Metro 'When you've hit Seaton you've hit bottom,' says a regular at Seaton House", Toronto Star, November 3, 1990
  9. ^ Duffy, Andrew, "Seaton House reforms shelved Councillors reject reports of violence", Toronto Star, December 10, 1992
  10. ^ Sarick, Lila, "Tibetan exiles flooding hostels: director Situation 'a real concern' as Toronto system already stretched to its limits", Globe and Mail, August 19, 1999
  11. ^ "90 Catholic Youth Seek Asylum in Canada", COMTEX News, August 21, 2002
  12. ^ "Ninety Ugandan Catholic youths seek asylum in Canada", BBC Monitoring Africa, August 21, 2002
  13. ^ a b c Bellett, Gerry, "Inquiry turns to how B.C. should deal with homeless; Aboriginal presentation made, officials heard in probe of Frank Paul death", Vancouver Sun, April 29, 2008
  14. ^ "'Wet' shelter needs political will: Toronto project could serve as model for Edmonton", Edmonton Journal, March 7, 2007
  15. ^ Patrick, Kelly, "The drinks are on us at the homeless shelter: Served every 90 minutes: Managed alcohol program reduces drinking", National Post, January 7, 2006
  16. ^ Bielski, Zosia, "The street Toronto abandoned; Cabbagetown address for addicts," National Post, February 19, 2008