Sean Cummings

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Seán Cummings
Occupation Actor

Seán Cummings is a Canadian actor and director from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He was born in Ontario on January 17, 1968.

He is founder and Artistic Producer of Meta for Theatre Company and is known as the director of the stage versions of Lamda nominee C.E. Gatchalian's plays Crossing and Broken. As an actor, his roles have included Pyrgopolynices in Miles Gloriosus, Jason in Take Me Out and Bertram in All's Well That Ends Well

In late 2007, he appeared in the Vancouver production of Bent, a play about homosexuals in Germany under the Nazis.[1] In early 2008, Seán played David in a revival of Brad Fraser's Poor Super Man.


[edit] Roles

[edit] Theatre

  • Poor Super Man - David (Saving Metropolis)
  • Bent - Max (Meta.for Theatre)
  • Moonlight and Magnolias - Voice of Leyland Hayward (Vancouver Playhouse)
  • Miles Gloriosus - Pyrgopolynices (Jericho Arts Centre)
  • Take Me Out - Jason (Raving Theatre)
  • On The Way Down - Thomas (Vancouver Fringe)
  • Warriors - Gilles(Street Rep)
  • All's Well That Ends Well - Bertram(Theatre Inconnu)

[edit] Film/Television

  • Vale Of Tears (Film) - VFS
  • Two Tickets To Cairo (Film) - Kitchen Films
  • Past Midnight (Film) - National Film Board of Canada

[edit] Directing

[edit] Theatre

  • I Confess(Firehall Arts Centre)
  • Who Beat Rocky (Firehall Arts Centre)
  • Men Like Trees (UBC)
  • Broken (Firehall Arts Centre)
  • Crossing (Playwright's Theatre Centre)

[edit] Film/Television

  • Urban Zoo - CineVic

[edit] Producing

[edit] Theatre

[edit] Film/Television

  • Flush - Base 9 Studios/Crazy 8s
  • Urban Zoo - CineVic

[edit] Awards

[edit] Wins

  • Flush - Best Film (Reel Island Film Festival)

[edit] Project Awards and Nominations

  • Broken - One Nomination (Jessie Richarson Awards)
  • Flush - One Win and Six Nominations (Leo Awards)
  • Julius Caesar - Two Nominations (Jessie Richarson Awards)
  • The Tempest - One Nomination (Jessie Richarson Awards)

[edit] Official Selections

  • Flush - Montreal World Film Festival
  • Flush - North-By-Northwest Film Festival
  • Flush - Whistler Film Festival

[edit] References

  1. ^ BCNG Portals Page (R)

[edit] External links