ISO 3166-2:SE

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See also:
ISO 3166-2:SE

ISO 3166-2:SE is an ISO standard which defines geocodes: it is the subset of ISO 3166-2 which applies to Sweden. It covers the 21 Counties, or län. The first part is the ISO 3166-1 code SE. The second part of the code, which is used domestically, is alphabetic 1-digit, except three cases which are 2-digit.

The ordering is based on a geographical "path" starting in Stockholm and then passing clockwise through the counties of southern Sweden and finally the northern counties.

Until 1967 the City of Stockholm was assigned the letter code A, while Stockholm County had the letter B.

[edit] Codes

Counties in Sweden
Counties in Sweden
Sorted by Code Sorted by name
SE-AB Stockholm
SE-AC Västerbotten
SE-BD Norrbotten
SE-C Uppsala
SE-D Södermanland
SE-E Östergötland
SE-F Jönköping
SE-G Kronoberg
SE-H Kalmar
SE-I Gotland
SE-K Blekinge
SE-M Skåne
SE-N Halland
SE-O Västra Götaland
SE-S Värmland
SE-T Örebro
SE-U Västmanland
SE-W Dalarna
SE-X Gävleborg
SE-Y Västernorrland
SE-Z Jämtland
Blekinge SE-K
Dalarna SE-W
Gotland SE-I
Gävleborg SE-X
Halland SE-N
Jämtland SE-Z
Jönköping SE-F
Kalmar SE-H
Kronoberg SE-G
Norrbotten SE-BD
Skåne SE-M
Stockholm SE-AB
Södermanland SE-D
Uppsala SE-C
Värmland SE-S
Västerbotten SE-AC
Västernorrland SE-Y
Västmanland SE-U
Västra Götaland SE-O
Örebro SE-T
Östergötland SE-E
Note: Swedish sorting order: A - Z, Å, Ä, Ö.

[edit] See also

  • ISO 3166-2, the reference table for all country region codes.
  • ISO 3166-1, the reference table for all country codes, as used for domain names on the internet.