SDARM General Conference

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SDARM General Conference is the governing authority for the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement denomination. Officers of the General Conference are elected at a delegation session composed of delegates from the various international units and serve for a four-year term. The last delegation session was held September 19 to October 7, 2007, in Jeju, South Korea.

[edit] Officers


Term President Nationality
1925 - 1934 Otto Welp Germany
1934 - 1942 Willi Maas Germany
1942 - 1948 Albert Mueller Germany
1948 - 1951 Carlos Kozel Argentina
1951 - 1959 Dumitru Nicolici Romania
1959 - 1963 Andre Lavrik Brazil
1963 - 1967 Clyde T. Stewart Australia
1967 - 1979 Francisco Devai Brazil
1979 - 1983 Wilhelm Volpp Germany
1983 - 1991 João Moreno Germany
1991 - 1995 Neville S. Brittain Australia
1995 - 2003 Alfredo Carlos Sas Brazil
2003 - Duraisamy Sureshkumar India

1st Vice-President

Term Name Nationality
1928 - 1931 Wilhelm Maas Germany
1931 - 1948 vacant
1948 - 1951 Albert Mueller Germany
1951 - 1959 Andre Lavrik Brazil
1959 - 1963 Dumitru Nicolici USA
1963 - 1967 Emmerich Kanyo Benedek Brazil
1967 - 1971 Ivan W. Smith Australia
1971 - 1979 Wilhelm Volpp Germany
1979 - 1987 Francisco Devai Lucacin USA
1987 - 1995 Daniel Dumitru USA
1995 - 1997 Neville S. Brittain Australia
1997 - 1999 vacant
1999 - 2003 - Duraisamy Sureshkumar India
2003 - Davi Paes Silva USA


Term Secretary Nationality
1925 - 1934 Willi Maas Germany
1934 - 1948 A. Rieck Germany
1948 - 1951 Dumitru Nicolici Romania
1951 - 1955 Clyde T. Stewart Australia
1955 - 1963 Ivan W. Smith USA
1963 - 1967 Alfons Balbach Brazil
1967 - 1971 Alex Norman Macdonald USA
1971 - 1980 Alfons Balbach Brazil
1980 - 1987 Alex Norman Macdonald USA
1987 - 1995 Alfredo Carlos Sas Brazil
1995 - 1999 Davi Paes Silva Brazil
1999 - 2001 John Garbi USA
2001 - 2003 Benjamin Burec USA
2003 - 2007 David Zic Canada
2007 - Paul Balbach USA


Term Treasurer Nationality
1925 - 1928 Albert Krahe Germany
1928 - 1934 Wilhelm Maas Germany
1934 - 1948 Otto Welp Germany
1948 - 1951 Carlos Kozel Argentina
1951 - 1955 LaVeta Ehrlich USA
1955 - 1959 Ivan W. Smith Australia
1959 - 1963 Helen Rogel USA
1963 - 1967 Edith Lavrik USA
1967 - 1971 Alex Norman Macdonald USA
1971 - 1975 John Baer Canada
1975 - 1979 Benjamin Burec USA
1979 - 1991 John Garbi USA
1991 - 1999 Ruffo Lopez Trivino Ecuador
1999 - Roberto Martins Duarte Brazil

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • The History of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement. Alfons Balbach, Reformation Herald Publishing, 1999.
  • The Reformation Herald, January - March 2004, pp. 10, 34, 35.