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Latest release 1.0 RC / 2 April 2008
OS Cross-platform
Genre ETL, Data migration and SQL.
License Apache Software License

Scriptella is an open source ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) and script execution tool written in Java. Its primary focus is simplicity. It doesn't require the user to learn another complex XML-based language to use it, but allows the use of SQL or another scripting language suitable for the data source to perform required transformations.

[edit] Typical use

  • Database migration.
  • Database creation/update scripts.
  • Cross-database ETL operations, import/export.
  • Alternative for Ant <sql> task.
  • Automated database schema upgrade.

[edit] Features

  • Simple XML syntax for scripts. Add dynamics to your existing SQL scripts by creating a thin wrapper XML file:
     <!DOCTYPE etl SYSTEM "">
         <connection driver="$driver" url="$url" user="$user" password="$password"/>
             <include href="PATH_TO_YOUR_SCRIPT.sql"/>
             -- And/or directly insert SQL statements here
  • Support for multiple datasources (or multiple connections to a single database) in a ETL file.
  • Support for many useful JDBC features , e.g. parameters in SQL including file blobs and JDBC escaping.
  • Performance. Performance and low memory usage are one of the primary goals.
  • Support for evaluated expressions and properties (JEXL syntax)
  • Support for cross-database ETL scripts by using <dialect> elements
  • Transactional execution
  • Error handling via <onerror> elements
  • Conditional scripts/queries execution (similar to Ant if/unless attributes but more powerful)
  • Easy-to-Use as a standalone tool or Ant task. No deployment/installation required.
  • Easy-To-Run ETL files directly from Java code.
  • Built-in adapters for popular databases for a tight integration. Support for any database with JDBC/ODBC compliant driver.
  • Service Provider Interface (SPI) for interoperability with non-JDBC DataSources and integration with scripting languages. Out of the box support for JSR 223 (Scripting for the Java Platform) compatible languages.
  • Built-In CSV, TEXT, XML, LDAP, Lucene, Velocity, JEXL and Janino providers. Integration with Java EE, Spring Framework, JMX and JNDI for enterprise ready scripts.

[edit] External links