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Screenlets OpenSuse 10.3
Developed by Rico Pfaus (RYX), Helder Fraga (Whise), Natan Yellin (Aantn)
Latest release 0.1.1 / May 7, 2008
OS Linux and other Unix-like systems
Genre Widget engine
License GPL

Screenlets is the name of both a set of independently-developed widget applications and the widget engine which runs them. The engine runs primarily on X11-based compositing window managers, most notably with Compiz on Linux.


[edit] Screenlet creation

Until 0.0.14, screenlets were exclusively scripted in Python and drawn in SVG. Afterward, support was added for web widgets (widgets which are written in HTML, JavaScript and CSS, similar to widgets for Apple Inc.'s Dashboard)[1][2]. The engine also supports Google Gadgets.[3]

[edit] References

  1. ^ New web widget engine for screenlet
  2. ^ Compiz Fusion Community News for 25th March 2008: Webgits, Curved Expo, Wallpaper Re-Write!
  3. ^ Google Gadgets now run on Screenlets engine

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
