Scott information system

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In domain theory, a branch of mathematics and computer science, a Scott information system is a primitive kind of logical deductive system often used as an alternative way of presenting Scott domains.


[edit] Definition

A Scott information system, A, is an ordered triple (T, Con, \vdash)

  • T is a set of tokens (the basic units of information)
  • Con \subseteq \mathcal{P}_f(T) \mbox{ the finite subsets of T}
  • \vdash \subseteq Con\times T


  1. \mbox{If } a \in X \in Con\mbox{ then }X \vdash a
  2. \mbox{If } X \vdash Y \mbox{ and }Y \vdash a \mbox{, then }X \vdash a
  3. \mbox{If }X \vdash a \mbox{ then } X \cup a \in Con
  4. \forall a \in T : \{ a\} \in Con
  5. \mbox{If }X \in Con \mbox{ and} X^\prime\, \subseteq X \mbox{ then }X^\prime \in Con.

Here X \vdash Y means \forall a \in Y, X \vdash a.

[edit] Examples

[edit] Propositional calculus

The propositional calculus gives us a very simple Scott information system as follows:

  • T := \{ \phi \mid \phi \mbox{ is satisfiable} \}
  • Con := \{ X \in \mathcal{P}_f(T) \mid X \mbox{ is consistent} \}
  • X \vdash a\mbox{ iff }X \vdash a \mbox{ in the propositional calculus}.

[edit] Scott domains

Let D be a Scott domain. Then we may define an information system as follows

Let \mathcal{I} be the mapping that takes us from a Scott domain, D, to the information system defined above.

[edit] Information systems and Scott domains

Given an information system, A = (T, Con, \vdash) , we can build a Scott domain as follows.

  • Definition: x \subseteq T is a point iff
    • \mbox{If }X \subseteq_f x \mbox{ then } X \in Con
    • \mbox{If }X \vdash a \mbox{ and } X \subseteq_f x \mbox{ then } a \in x.

Let \mathcal{D}(A) denote the set of points of A with the subset ordering. \mathcal{D}(A) will be a countable Scott domain when T is countable. In general, for any Scott domain D and information system A

  • \mathcal{D}(\mathcal{I}(D)) \cong D
  • \mathcal{I}(\mathcal{D}(A)) \cong A

where the second congruence is given by approximable mappings.

[edit] See also
