Scilla hyacinthoides

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Squilla hyacinthoides

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Asparagales
Family: Hyacinthaceae
Genus: Scilla
Species: S. hyacinthoides
Binomial name
Scilla hyacinthoides

Scilla hyacinthoides is a geophyte, belonging to the Liliaceae family. It is native to the Middle East, though it was also brought to France by the Turks. Currently this plant is in the process of domestication as a cut flower in Israel due to its inflorescenses.
Scilla hyacinthoides is a bulb plant. It flowers in March - April with bluish-purple flowers on 50-80 cm high flowering stalks.

[edit] Sources

  • The Jerusalem Botanical Gardens site
  • Michael Zohary;Naomi Feinbrun-Dothan (1966-1986)Flora Palaestina
  • Witztum A.and Negbi M. (1991)Primary xylem of Scilla hyacinthoides (Liliaceae) - the wool-bearing bulb of Theophrastus. Economical Botany 45:97-102