Schur test
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In Mathematical Analysis, the Schur Test (named after German mathematician Issai Schur) is the name for the bound on the operator norm of an integral operator in terms of its Schwartz kernel (see Schwartz kernel theorem).
The following result of Issai Schur is described in [1]. Let X and Y be two measurable spaces (such as , or see Measurable space), and let T be an integral operator with the non-negative Schwartz kernel K(x,y),, :
If there exist functions p(x) > 0 and q(x) > 0 and numbers α > 0, β > 0 such that
for almost all x, and
for almost all y, then T is continuous from L2(Y) to L2(X), with the norm bounded by
Such functions p(x), q(x) are called the Schur test functions.
The original result appeared in [2] for T a matrix and with α = β = 1.
[edit] Usage
The most common usage is to take p(x) = q(x) = 1. Then we get:
This inequality is sometimes called the Schur inequality or Young's inequality. It is valid no matter whether the Schwartz kernel K(x,y) is non-negative or not.
[edit] Proof
Using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the inequality (1), we get:
Integrating the above relation in x, using Fubini's Theorem, and applying the inequality (2), we get:
It follows that for any .
[edit] References
- ^ Paul Richard Halmos and Viakalathur Shankar Sunder (1978). Bounded integral operators on L2 spaces, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (Results in Mathematics and Related Areas), vol. 96. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1978. Theorem 5.2.
- ^ I. Schur (1911). Bemerkungen zur Theorie der Beschränkten Bilinearformen mit unendlich vielen Veränderlichen, J. reine angew. Math. 140 (1911), 1-28.