School of Infantry Specialists

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The School of Infantry Specialists (abbreviation: SISPEC; Chinese: 步兵专业军士学校) is a military training centre for specialists (NCO-equivalents) in the Singapore Army. The school is situated in Pasir Laba Camp (PLC) in the western part of Singapore. For a few years before 2005, it was located at Pulau Tekong when its new premise was undergoing construction.

The school currently has a total of 10 staffed companies; Bravo to Kilo (excluding the letter I) companies, and the Advanced Specialists Training Wing (Alpha Company).


[edit] History

The School of Infantry Specialists (SISPEC) was established with the primary objective of training specialists to fill up various junior command and control positions in the armed forces. The school is specially equipped with necessary facilities and qualified instructors for the moulding of army specialists. SISPEC complements Officer Cadet School in the cultivation of soldiers who display good leadership potential and capabilities to become key appointment holders in the ranks of the military.

1966: SISPEC training began when the then called Non Commissioned Officers (NCO) were selected to be the first batch of instructors in School of Section Leaders (SSL).

1969: School of Infantry Section Leaders(SISL) was formed with the expansion of the SAF.SISL solely trained these batch of trainees through a 21 week course

1979: After the restructuring of the military training system, potential trainees were selected go to Officer Cadet School (OCS).

1980: HQ Infantry formed taking command over SISL.

1980: Section Leaders course shortened to 12 weeks

1981: On the 22nd of June, there were six companies in SISL, Juliet, Quebec, Lima, Mike, Kilo and Papa Company were renamed Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo and ANTW respectively.

1982: On the 1st of May. SISL was renamed SAF Infantry Non-Commissioned Officer's School (SAFINCOS) with the new motto, ;With Pride We Lead".

1989: 1st batch of women combat trainees enlisted.

1992: SAFINCOS renamed School of Infantry Specialists (SISPEC).

2000: SISPEC Relocates from Pasir Laba Camp to Pulau Tekong.

2000: 17th August Rocky Hill Camp, SISPEC Officially opened by Chief of Army, MG Ng Yat Chung.

2001: 26th September, Army Specialists' Landmark Officially Unveiled by Chief of Army, MG Ng Yat Chung.

2003: SISPEC achieved ISO 9002 for the management for its Advanced and Basic Section Leader Course.

2006: SISPEC was relocated from Pulau Tekong back to their new camp compound in Pasir Laba Camp

[edit] Training

Trainees who enroll at SISPEC first have to go through the Basic Section Leader Course (BSLC) where they are taught basic infantry skills to command an infantry section. Upon graduation from BSLC, the soldiers will be sent to the various formations in the Army for specialized training in their respective fields.

Those who are selected to serve in the Infantry and Guards formations will remain in SISPEC, where they will undergo the Advance Section Leader Course(ASLC). Besides these two courses, SISPEC also conducts the Platoon Sergeant Course and the Company Sergeant Major Course.

The SISPEC’s BSLC is a challenging course that grooms fresh graduates from the Basic Military Training Centre into future leaders. The course trains and equips soldiers with infantry skills and knowledge to command an Infantry section. The trainees are required to go through the Confidence Obstacle Course and the Advance Obstacle Course, which demand both physical and mental toughness. The BSLC ends with a 32-km road march in full battle order. Upon graduation, the soldiers will be promoted to the rank of Corporal.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links