Schönwalde Kreis Frankenstein
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Schönwalde Kreis Frankenstein (German) was a farm community in the county of Frankenstein located West of the city of Frankenstein (German). After World War II, Schoenwalde Kreis Frankenstein was inhabited by Polish people after the German population was forced to leave. The area was renamed in Polish as Budzow (Ząbkowice, Śląskie, Wroclaw, Poland). Likewise, the city of Frankenstein (German) was renamed Ząbkowice Śląskie (Polish).
1625 - 1889 Records of the inhabitants of this area from 1625 through 1889 are available from the Family History Library on microfilms 1732611 through 1732617, and 1706155. The authors of this information are the Katholische Kirche Schönwalde Kreis Frankenstein. These records, written in German, include baptisms, marriages, and deaths in the area.
1874 - 1888 Additional records of the inhabitants were taken by civilian authorities. These include birth, marriage, and death records of this area from 1874 - 1888. The records are available from the Family History Library on microfilms 1199579, 1199580, 1496671, 1496672, 1895687, and 2089809. The authors of this information are Standesamt, Schönwalde Kreis Frankenstein, Schlesien.
Common Surname and Trade These records show that common surnames of the area up to 1946 included Thiel, Stiller, Rudolph, Welzel, Kube, Juretzka, and Mueller (German Müller). They also indicate that common trades in the area were farming and forestry.