Scene metrospace

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(Scene) Metrospace is an alternative arts space located in downtown East Lansing, Michigan, featuring a variety of contemporary artworks. (Scene) also hosts a wide variety of musical performances by local and national artists. It is a project created in response to Governor Jennifer Granholm's Cool Cities Initiative.

(Scene) is free and open to the public, unless a nominal cost is determined for a special performance. Artists working in any mixed media are encouraged to submit exhibition proposals.

Photo by Ande Johnston
Photo by Ande Johnston

Founded in May 2004, (Scene) is a multidisciplinary arts endeavor aimed to enhance and support downtown East Lansing and the region by programming a wide range of creative, new, and experimental arts activities, exhibits and performances in the visual arts, music, film/video, literature, theater, dance, performance and multidisciplinary art forms. (Scene) aims to present dynamic programming to the public and to provide committed emerging artists and artists from across the country with the opportunity to exhibit and highlight work that may not otherwise have a venue in the area.

(Scene) was originally opened at 303 Abbott Street. However, this site is slated for demolition. (Scene) has therefore moved to a newly renovated space located at 110 Charles Street.

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