User:Scavenger Mystic

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Scavenger Mystic is an eccentric, some would say slightly pedantic, writer whose only credentials to edit, other than being older than dirt, are four planets in Gemini, Virgo rising, and a strong English background. Resolutely preferring to offer background support rather than an up-front target, she gratifies her modest hunger for the creative limelight by the maintenance of her poetry and essays blog at:

She was motivated to open her Wikipedia account because she ran across four trivial errors in an article about a film which she happens to know very well, and it would have broken her anal retentive little heart to let them go unchecked. It is safe to assume The Scavenger Mystic will content herself with the offering of minor edits and the occasional correction of a small factual inaccuracy, and not shake the Wiki foundations with any major articles.

The Scavenger Mystic, like many slightly dotty pedants, lives with cats.