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Hi! I'm Scarletspeed7.

I'm probably the biggest comic book fan you'll ever meet, and on top of that, I know my video games, books, and movies better than anyone alive.

That's all for now. Here's some inforkation on my favorite team, the Freedom Fighters: Hi! Shortly after signing the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the founding fathers, led by Benjamin Franklin, conducted a ritual to create a talisman that represented the spirit of the United States. The talisman in turn created a mystical avatar that embodied that spirit. It first manifested during the Revolutionary War as the Minuteman, and faded away in 1781 after the Battle of Yorktown. He then manifested as Brother Jonathan during the war of 1812; he will later be known as Uncle Sam. (Spectre v.3 #38)

He first appeared in the 20th century just before the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. (National #1, 7.40) Then on December 7, 1941, he assembled Hourman, the Invisible Hood, Magno, Miss America, Neon the Unknown, and the Red Torpedo to stop the Japanese attack. All but Uncle Sam seemingly perish (but in fact, all but Magno and Neon are later revealed to have survived.) Unbeknownst to her comrades, Miss America survived the Japanese attack and was returned, comatose, to Project M (see also, Creature Commandos) (Secret Origins #26). The Invisible Hood survived until 1974 when he was murdered by the Icicle and the Mist (Starman v.2 #2). Hourman resurfaced in All-Star Squadron #32. The Red Torpedo later aided in creating the 1951 Starman. (Starman v.2 #77) On February 23, 1942, at the first full meeting of the All-Star Squadron in the Perisphere, Uncle Sam told the All-Stars about their battle and loss at Pearl Harbor. (All-Star Squadron #31)

Later, Sam recruited a second team of Freedom Fighters including Black Condor, Doll Man, the Human Bomb, Phantom Lady, the Ray, and the Red Bee. For a time, they operated under the larger All-Star Squadron organization. In one mission, they were captured by Baron Blitzkrieg (#34), who killed the Red Bee. (#35) Soon thereafter, the Freedom Fighters separated from the All-Star Squadron and were based in Washington D.C. (Who's Who '87 #5) Also during the war, the young heroine, Fury, struck up a tentative friendship with Miss America. Later, Miss America would become the adoptive mother of Fury's daughter, Lyta (Fury II). Also, Plastic Man acted as a liaison between the All-Stars and the Freedom Fighters; and Quicksilver and Manhunter I were active with the team as well. (Young All-Stars #27) Following the war, these heroes largely went into retirement. And in 1946, the American Talisman was shattered and Uncle Sam disappeared. (Spectre v.3 #38)

They surfaced again years later with the rise of a new age of heroes. The JSA, Blackhawks and Freedom Fighters were captured by the alien Appellax creatures and placed in concentration camps. They were freed by the new Justice League of America. (JLA: Year One #11-12) These hereos regrouped for a brief time following their forced reunion (Freedom Fighters series) but soon called it quits again when Firebrand was killed in battle with the Silver Ghost. (Cancelled Comics Cavalcade #2)

Modern Freedom Fighters Several years ago, the American Talisman was reassembled, resulting in the creation of a new incarnation of Uncle Sam called Patriot. (Spectre v.3 #50) Patriot and other Freedom Fighter torchbearers participated as Justice Society reservists during the Imperiex War. (JSA: Our Worlds at War) Under unknown circumstances, the American Talisman has again assumed the guise of Uncle Sam. (Superman v.2 #178)

Apparently, he reformed the Freedom Fighters after this as well. The new team assisted the JSA against Mordru and includes his former comrade, the Human Bomb, as well as successors, Phantom Lady II, Black Condor II, the Ray II, along with Iron Munro and Damage. (JSA #49) This new team was again government funded, making their headquarters in the Pentagon. (#73) The new Freedom Fighters were among the most tragic of losses during the Crisis caused by Alexander Luthor and Superboy Prime. They were attacked by the Society in Metropolis, and Phantom Lady, Human Bomb and Black Condor were all killed. Uncle Sam, Damage and the Ray were taken as prisoners. (Infinite Crisis #1)

Uncle Sam's next mission was to prevent a horrible future from coming to pass. His first recruit was Andre Twist, the new Firebrand. Uncle Sam encouraged Twist to take up the spirit of Rod Reilly and join him at the southern Mississippi River. He revealed to Twist an imminent future that threatens America. In a vision, Firebrand saw banners heralding a man named "Knight," and S.H.A.D.E. agents watching everywhere. (Crisis Aftermath: The Battle for Bludhaven #5)

The same Crisis that spawned the new Firebrand also gave rise to others who bore the name of Freedom Fighers:

Andy Franklin, a former Blüdhaven scientist, transformed by the bomb and recruited to become the new Human Bomb (II)

An all-new Phantom Lady III (Stormy Knight). This Phantom Lady was a senator's daughter and assassin

And a new Doll Man (IV), Lester ??

The Ray III (Stan Silver)

Black Condor III

Pre-Crisis Freedom Fighters The pre-Crisis history of the team is significantly different. Because these characters were acquired from Quality Comics, they originally existed on their own parallel Earth: Earth-X. The differences are as follows:

Prior to December 7, 1941, Uncle Sam still assembled the first team of Freedom Fighters to stop the holocaust — but on Earth-X. All but he and Hourman perished on that world. Later, at an All-Star Squadron meeting, Sam assembles the second team to return to Earth-X and fight the war there. Once their , the Spectre informs the heroes that three of them must stay on Earth-X to maintain a "cosmic balance;" Uncle Sam, Black Condor, and the Ray agreed to stay. When the going got really rough, Sam recruited even more help from the Blackhawks, Firebrand I, the Jester, Manhunter I, Midnight, Plastic Man and the Spider. All these heroes (who were those acquired from Quality), migrated to Earth-X.

There they remained until decades later, when the the JLA and JSA were drawn to Earth-X to help defeat the Nazis. You see, the Nazis won the war on Earth-X. (Justice League of America #107-108) Following this, the team temporarily migrated to Earth-1, but returned to Earth-X to help rebuild that world. (Freedom Fighters series)

There is some uncertainty whether the Clock is owned by DC Comics. Originally he was a Centaur Comics character. Quality supposedly bought the rights to Centaur when that company folded but only used the Clock. However, a few years ago Malibu revived the old Centaur characters including Brian O'Brian as the president. They did however change his name to Nightmask.