Scarlet day

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Scarlet day is the term used in the University of Cambridge to designate those days on which Doctors are required to wear the festal form of academic dress. It is so called because of the scarlet elements in the gowns and hoods worn by Doctors.[1] On these days it is also permitted for members of the University to wear the academic dress of other Universities from which they have obtained degrees.[2]

The ordinances of the University set out the following days as scarlet days: Christmas Day, Easter Day, Ascension Day, Whitsunday, Trinity Sunday, All Saints' Day, the day appointed for the Commemoration of Benefactors, and on the days of General Admission to Degrees.[3] In addition, the Vice-Chancellor may prescribe other scarlet days throughout the year, for example on days of national celebration.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Glossary of Cambridge Terminology
  2. ^ Cambridge University Reporter
  3. ^ Ordinances of the University of Cambridge, Chapter 2