Scandinavia Chinese Christian Church

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Scandinavia Chinese Christian Church (SCCC, Traditional Chinese: 北歐華人基督教會) is a collaboration of Chinese churches/congregations in Scandinavia, with the largest ones being in Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö in Sweden and Oslo, Stavanger in Norway.

SCCC aims for total focus on God and His will, gathering the believers to solidarity and sincerity to other people who are yet still searching for the right path. Most of the believers in the church are Chinese and the preaches are mainly in their language (both Mandarin and Cantonese are available for all Chinese).

The Chinese Christians pray for everyone who is in need of God. To them, all non-believers needs God to find spiritual peace. The ones who believe are those who will not fear anything else because they feel that someone is caring for them. And because,

"For God so loved the people that He offered His only Son, so that those who believe will not die, but have eternal life." [John 3:16]

SCCC has an annual summer conference, in which people from all of the churches and even other places gather together.

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