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Sayitisnt so: Debra Twardowski, also Debra Dawn Thomas

I sold my first romance in 1997 and my second one in 1998. Since that time, I quit writing romance and jumped back into the business world and taken the task of Christian writing.

Having spent 30 years studying, and practicing eastern religion, my focus is usually on correcting inaccuracies, or typos.

I was member of the Orange County Chapter of Romance Writers of America (RWA) since 1984, and I served a stint as the speaker features writer for the Orange Blossom Newsletter. I helped develop and write the bylaws for the chapter's first contest for published authors.

I worked for short time at movie studio in Hollywood, called Spunbuggy (No longer in existence), written scripts for multimedia in Irvine, California, newsletters, and technical manuals for medical practices, along with more romance novels than I've sold. When I say "I've been there and done that," I mean it! I was interviewed for Cox Cable Television, Getting Around Town, on how I sold my first book, and it ran for about a year.

My romance published books are:

Wrap Me In Scarlet (1998) Zebra Publishing Heal The Child (1998) Hard Shell Word Factory

I currently write a Christian Blog.

I worked as an administrator, medical biller, office manager for various medical professional corporations and have extensive background in navigating the medical system as a patient. Currently I am the primary caregiver for my father who has Alzheimer's.

As of now, both my husband, Tom, and myself are retired from corporate life We like to say we're "transitionally" retired, as we're both relatively young.

As an avid reader, I sometimes take a moment to make corrections in Wikipedia, though am not sure I'll be a large contributor at this time.