Saviors of Kamigawa

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Saviors of Kamigawa
Expansion symbol common expansion symbol
Release date June 3, 2005
Mechanics Channel, Sweep, Hand size (wisdom)
Keywords Epic
Size 165 (55 rares, 55 uncommons, 55 commons)
Expansion code SOK
Development codename Fire

Sets in Kamigawa Block
Champions of Kamigawa Betrayers of Kamigawa Saviors of Kamigawa
Magic: The Gathering
Betrayers of Kamigawa Saviors of Kamigawa 9th Edition

Saviors of Kamigawa (also Saviors or SoK) is a Magic: The Gathering set, third and last in the Kamigawa Block. Saviors of Kamigawa was released on June 3, 2005 (prerelease on May 21, 2005). Its expansion symbol is a Japanese lantern.

[edit] Mechanics

Saviors of Kamigawa introduces several new mechanics to the game.

  • Epic Spells are powerful cards with effects so big that once played their controller can't play spells for the rest of the game. In exchange, that player gets a copy of the spell again for free during each of his or her upkeeps. Ideally, these spells are used when a sort of control of the game has been established, to offset the Epic ability. Notably, Enduring Ideal had become a semi-popular deck, while being able to fetch any enchantment every turn (it usually wins by fetching Form of the Dragon and Zur's Weirding to gain control of the game).
  • Channel represents the fading barrier between the spirit world and reality. Spirits now have the ability to concentrate their physical form into a one-shot instant-effect. Channel is an activated ability not unlike cycling; a 'Channel' cost is played, and the card is discarded with an effect.
  • Sweep Spells, following in the sudden burst of spell power, allows players to determine how devastating they want the spell to be, in exchange for returning lands of a required type to your hand.
  • Five new flip cards - These flip cards are different from previous flips. Saviors of Kamigawa's cycle of flip creatures, once their conditions are met, change into Legendary global enchantments with big effects, symbolizing that creature's Essence.
  • Wisdom isn't a keyword mechanic, but a Saviors of Kamigawa theme. Cards with wisdom get bigger and better depending on the number of cards in players' hands. Typically, the magic number is 7.
  • Saviors also features the first intentional (see Alpha's Cyclopean Tomb) literally unplayable spell, Evermind. Its effect can only be achieved through the use of the Splice mechanic introduced in Champions of Kamigawa. However, new rules from Time Spiral now allow these kinds of cards (the ones without mana cost) to be played as long as the player can bypass paying the non-existing mana cost, thus adding more ways to use Evermind.
Magic: The Gathering sets
Advanced Level Core sets: Alpha, Beta, Unlimited, Revised, 4th Edition, 5th Edition, 6th Edition, 7th Edition, 8th Edition, 9th Edition, 10th Edition
Expert Level Early Sets
Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends, The Dark, Fallen Empires, Homelands
Expert Level Block Expansion Sets

Ice Age Block: Ice Age, Alliances, Coldsnap
Mirage Block: Mirage, Visions, Weatherlight
Rath Cycle: Tempest, Stronghold, Exodus
Urza Block: Urza's Saga, Urza's Legacy, Urza's Destiny
Masques Block: Mercadian Masques, Nemesis, Prophecy

Invasion Block: Invasion, Planeshift, Apocalypse
Odyssey Block: Odyssey, Torment, Judgment
Onslaught Block: Onslaught, Legions, Scourge
Mirrodin Block: Mirrodin, Darksteel, Fifth Dawn
Kamigawa Block: Champions of Kamigawa, Betrayers of Kamigawa, Saviors of Kamigawa

Ravnica Block: Ravnica: City of Guilds, Guildpact, Dissension
Time Spiral Block: Time Spiral, Planar Chaos, Future Sight
Lorwyn Mini-Block: Lorwyn, Morningtide
Shadowmoor Mini-Block: Shadowmoor, Eventide
Alara Block: Shards of Alara, Paper, Scissors

Un-Sets Starter Level Sets Compilations/reprint/gift box sets
Unglued, Unhinged

Portal, Portal Second Age, Portal Three Kingdoms, Starter, Starter 2000

Chronicles, Renaissance, Anthologies, Battle Royale, Beatdown, Deckmasters, Masters Edition, Duel Decks: Elves vs. Goblins, From the Vault: Dragons