Sauce gribiche

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Sauce gribiche is a mayonnaise-style cold sauce made by emulsifying hard-boiled egg yolks and mustard with a neutral oil like canola or grapeseed. It is finished with chopped pickles, capers, parsley, chervil and tarragon. It also includes hard-boiled egg whites cut in a julienne. [1] [2]

It can also be made by making a regular mayonnaise with raw egg yolks and neutral oil, and then incorporating the garnishes after the mayonnaise is complete. The other ingredients are chopped and added at the end. In this instance, the hard boiled eggs yolks are passed through a tamis and incorporated at the same time as the hard-boiled egg white. This method is only a substitute.

Sauce gribiche may be served with boiled chicken, fish (hot or cold) or calf's head. [3][4]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Th. Gringoire et L. Saulnier Le Repetoire de la Cuisine (1985 edition) pg.18
  2. ^ August Escoffier L'Aide-Memoire Culinaire (Original edition 1919) pg.52
  3. ^ David, E. (1960). "French Provincial Cooking" (1999 edition) p.120
  4. ^ "Larousse Gastronomique" (2001).