User:Sardines en huile/Basement

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Rank insignias as worn by the Austro-Hungarian Land Forces after the reorganisation in 1867 until 1918


[edit] Ranks

Ranks within the Austro-Hungarian Land Forces
German Hungarian US equivalents
Soldat / Jäger / Schütze / Kanonier Honvéd Private /Rifleman / Gunner / Lancer / et cetera.
Gefreiter Őrvezető Private First Class
Non Commissioned Officers
Korporal Tizedes Corporal
Zugsführer Szakaszvezető Sergeant / Staff Sergeant
Feldwebel Őrmester Master Sergeant
Stabs-Feldwebel (since 1913) Törzsőrmester Sergeant Major
Offiziersstellvertreter (since 1915) Tiszthelyettes Chief Warrant Officer
Officer Aspirants
Kadett-Offiziersstellvertreter (until 1908) Hadapród-Tiszthelyettes Cadet Deputy Officer
Kadett (since 1908) Hadapród Cadet
Fähnrich (since 1908) Zászlós Officers-Candidate
Leutnant Hadnagy Lieutenant
Oberleutnant Főhadnagy First Lieutenant
Hauptmann (Rittmeister in the cavalry) Százados Captain
Major Őrnagy Major
Oberstleutnant Alezredes Lieutenant-Colonel
Oberst Ezredes Colonel
Generalmajor Vezérőrnagy Major-General
Feldmarschallleutnant Altábornagy Lieutenant-General
General der Infanterie Gyalogsági Tábornok General of the Infantry
General der Kavallerie Lovassági Tábornok General of the Cavalry
Feldzeugmeister Táborszernagy General of the Artillery
Generaloberst (since 1915) Vezérezredes Colonel-General
Feldmarschall Tábornagy Field-Marshal (General of the Army)

[edit] Note

The ranks displayed after the "/" are the Hungarian equivalents of the Austrian ranks, since they were used in this format in the Magyar Királyi Honvédség (Royal Hungarian Home Defence Forces).

[edit] Collar rank insignias

[edit] Note

The embroideries of the collars of the ranks Major to Colonel were always in the same color as the tunic buttons (silver/gold). The rank stars were converse (silver embroidery - golden star(s))
The ranks Lieutenant to Captain had stars in the same color as the tunic buttons.

[edit] Examples

[edit] Sources

  • Schriften des Heeresgeschichtlifhen Museums in Wien Das k.u.k. Heer im Jahre 1895 Edition Leopold Stocker Graz

1997 ISBN 3-7020-0783-0

  • Rest,Ortner,Illming Des Kaisers Rock im 1. Weltkrieg Edition Militaria Vienna 2002 ISBN 3-9501642-0-0

Category:Military insignia Category:Austro-Hungarian Army Category:Military units and formations established in 1867