Sarawakian Dialect

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Sarawakian dialect is a common language used by natives in Sarawak. This dialect sounds quite similar to the official language - Bahasa Melayu. These are some simple examples of Sarawakian dialect:

  1. abis - habis - finished
  2. boyak - buaya - crocodile
  3. coklet - coklat - chocolate
  4. dokon - dukun - witch doctor
  5. empap - hempap - to fall on
  6. gemok - gemuk - fat
  7. halo - halau - chase
  8. ias - hias - decorate
  9. jujor - jujur - honest

As shown in the examples above, Sarawakians tend to pronounce something "directly",(e.g. they will pronounce "fat" as "fart") causing a bit of misunderstanding to newbies.

[edit] References

  1. Daftar Kata DIALEK MELAYU SARAWAK Edisi Kedua (ISBN 9836263241)