Sarah Bonnell School

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Sarah Bonnell School
Headteacher Ms C Tooley
School type Specialist Languages College
Religious affiliation None
Founded 1769
Location Stratford, London
Age Range 11-16 girls
School colour(s) Sky Blue, Navy Blue, Black

Sarah Bonnell School is an all-girls' secondary school for 11-16 year old girls, in Stratford, London.


[edit] History

Sarah Bonnell School is one of the oldest girls schools in England, as it was unusual for benefactors to view girls’ education as important in the 18th century.

It started as a charity school in 1777, after a rich woman called Sarah Bonnell left £3,500 in her will for the setting up of a school for poor girls in West Ham. Sarah Bonnell’s family had a big house in Walthamstow, and she was also buried in Walthamstow’s St. Mary’s Church, in 1766.

The first school was housed in a building opposite West Ham Church. It was known as Mrs Bonnell’s School and comprised of one schoolroom, one teacher and 40 girls. All the girls’ uniforms were paid for by the school. The Vicar of West Ham Church chose which girls would be allowed to attend the school and also the woman teacher, who had to be “of good character”. The school was run by a Board of Trustees.

By 1834, there were 140 pupils and the school continued to expand. However, in 1873 the name of the school was changed to West Ham High School for Girls and it also moved into a new building in West Ham Lane. It now became an independent, fee-paying school and boys up to the age of 10 years were admitted. There were still 40 free places for poor girls, so that the school could continue to receive the funds from Sarah Bonnell’s will. Later in 1905 it moved to a large, impressive building in The Grove in Stratford. During the 1920s the school stopped being an independent school and it was during this period – in 1938 - that George Lansbury, a former Labour M.P., opened the new school library. The Second World War brought aerial bombing to West Ham because of its proximity to the docks. Therefore, to protect the girls, the school was evacuated out of London, first of all to Brentwood and then to Truro in Cornwall.

In 1944 the school once again used their founder’s name to become Sarah Bonnell Grammar School and moved, this time to St. George’s Road, Forest Gate. As this was a grammar school, girls had to pass the 11-plus examination to gain a place at the school.

In 1972 comprehensive education was introduced in Newham and the school gained the title Sarah Bonnell Comprehensive School. It moved to its present site in Deanery Road, taking over the buildings that had previously been called Deanery High School for Girls and Stratford Green Secondary School.

In 1993, the Technology Village was opened by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. There have been other well-known people who have visited the school, including Arthur Scargill and Glenys Kinnock MEP.

The history of the school has been recorded on a tapestry, created by past pupils, which is housed in the main hall of the school. In the same hall is a display of photographs about the history of the buildings, both present and past, which have housed the school. Visitors who wish to view these historical displays may do so by contacting the school to make an appointment.

The School Library was opened by Sidney Smith in 2004.[this information was given by S.M from Sarah Bonnell School in 2007. (information sourced from Sarah Bonnell website)

[edit] Present Day

Since 2003 the school has gained the status of a Language College, which is now part of their title. It continues to maintain the links with Sarah Bonnell’s endowment for girl’s education, through the Sarah Bonnell Foundation and Governors, who support the school.

[edit] Notable Alumnae

  • Penny Ellis (Teacher who starred in Big Brother 2000)

[edit] External Links