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Carlos Sandoval, composer, was Nancarrow's assistant 1990-94. He is the only person who systematically worked near Nancarrow in his studio when he still was an active composer. Sandoval translated into Spanish "The Music of Conlon Nancarrow" (K. Gann, Cambridge, 1995, Ca. 330p. Never published) and a pair of Nancarrow's articles and correspondence (Pauta, INBA, several issues). He has published some of the most complete articles and essays on Nancarrow available in Spanish. He is an active lecturer on Nancarrow in Mexico and Europe.

Sandoval was curator of the two most important exhibits-concerts-homages to Conlon Nancarrow ever (National University -1990, and National Fine Arts Institute, ISCM-World Music Days -1993, Mexico). Has been composer-in-residence at Les ateliers UPIC (1989 and 1990); at RDP Trimpin's studio (1994); at the Donaueschinger MusikTage festival (1994); the STEIM Foundation (Amsterdam, 1996, 1999, 2005) and the TU studio, Technische Universität (09.2005). He has received several scholarships in and out Mexico and was a member of the Mexican “Sistema Nacional de Creadores” (1999-2005). Lives in Germany (Berlin) since 2003. He is now working on 12-channel versions of some of the studies for player piano. A first concert with the Studies 37 and 21 took place in Berlin, Tesla, Novemeber 2006. Further contrib. to the Nancarrow page in the english version of Wikipedia are planned. The Spanish Wiki-article will be edited also is a short future.