
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi! My name is Sander and I'm a junior editor here at Wikipedia! I will try to use my knowledge of medicine and in particular immunology and infectious disease-related matter to increase this site. My first objective is to add some self-made images to different subjects to help understanding the subjects in a more accessible way (since I like image more than plain text myself).

nl Deze gebruiker spreekt Nederlands als moedertaal.
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
de-4 Dieser Benutzer hat Deutschkenntnisse auf muttersprachlichem Niveau.
af-2 Hierdie gebruiker het 'n gemiddelde begrip van Afrikaans.
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Little something about me
Name: Sander
Sex/Age: male, 22
Residency: Leiden, Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands
Occupancy: student Biomedical Sciences at Leiden University Medical Centre
Main interests: playing tennis, visiting my girlfriend, computer-related stuff, ice-cream, shopping, singing etc...
Current CD in CD-player: Continuum by John Mayer

My contribution
CD4 - image is made by me
CD8 - image is made by me, and added a second pathway
MHC - images are made by me
Lck - topic was started by me
Fc receptor - added a lot of information + table
Numorous redirects