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Hi! I am Sandeep koul.I have limited knowledge about religions. At the same time, I feel all the religions have many things in common like the concept of hell and heaven…world beyond death!All the religions have segregated the function of god. Everything is a will of God and he has given responsibilities to different angels to execute his will. There are angels of death in all religions. There is also an idea of Satan in almost all religions. It does mean that god is above the idea of birth and death, heaven and hell and everything else which can be conceived by human mind. In Hinduism God is segregated the most. There are 330million gods and goddesses who have different powers and responsibilities.Godess saraswati bestows us with knowledge, Goddess laksmi gives us wealth and prosperity. Lord Brahma is the creator, lord Vishnu is sustainer and lord Shiva is destroyer... There are four main religions of world namely Christianity,Islam,Hinduism and Budhism.The basic function of all the religions is to promote love,harmony,Self control, And brotherhood among different sections of people. In Hinduism there is a concept of Dualism (devaith) and non-dualism (advaith).Both are different ways of approaching god. Many people can not understand the beliefs and concepts of Hinduism. In Christianity and Islam, they have an idea of Satan. In bible it is written about An Angel whose name was Lucifer. He was one of the most beloved angel of god until one day he thought too much of himself and he became the Satan. Any person who thinks too much of himself become as bad as Satan. In Islam also there is this concept of Satan. All bad things and deeds are believed to be work of Satan. In both Christianity and Islam, It is believed that constant remembrance of god or Allah keeps Satan away. In Hinduism however there is no concept of Satan. Instead we have Maya or shiv maya or yog maya .It is believed that maya keeps us away from Paramatma.But contrary to the beliefs of Christians and Muslims we respect and even worship maya.Maya is seen as force which gives birth and death. It is seen as a force which keeps us attached to each other and to worldly objects. It is believed constant remembrance of lord and by Lord’s grace only one can overcome maya. Constant remembrance of god or Allah keeps Satan away and by Constant remembrance of supreme lord one can overcome Maya. So there is something common between religions. Only names change. In Hinduism there are some 33 crore devi’s and devta’s.Non Hindus get confused by this concept, but there is logic and that logic is god himself..because god is everywhere and in everything— in good and in bad. Everything is god for a devout hindu.Tree,animals,snakes….almost everything which has life. Because the life force in all the livings beings is one—call him god,Allah,Paramatma—-And Hindus worship that life force which is in everything. In Devaith philosophy, more emphasis is laid on bhakti or devotion.It also says that one can not really love something which is not visible to eyes.or something that you cannot feel by your five senses. For example you don’t have any feeling for someone whom you have not seen. It is like asking someone” how much love and feeling you have for your great-great-2 grand father who died some 100 years back when you were not even born.” A true devotee of bhakti system is not even satisfied with heaven and they say that in heaven also one is attached to the five senses and these five senses are the five horses of Maya. They want to transcend even heaven. They want to be in eternal love with their beloved lord. In advaith there is absolute one and oneness and Kashmir shaivism is a part of advaith shaivism.Meditation is a form of advaith worship. Kashmir shaivism says we are all part of Shiva. we are Shiva but we have been subjected to Maya shakti and overcoming Maya shakti is key to spiritual liberation. The goal of life is to realize one’s true self. Kashmir shaivism does not consider anything to be good or bad but instead as only being part of the ongoing creative activity of that pure infinite consciousness.”Na papam na punyam na dukham na sukham shivoham,shivoham,shivoham,shivoham” means that there is no good and no bad, There is no sorrow and no pleasure.Ther is only Shiva and he is in me. he is me. It is believed that sensual pleasures are the root cause of any sin. There is also concept of wheel of life and death where one is born and one dies and this cycle will go on till one realizes god and god can only be realized when we reign our senses….when one transcends maya…..the force which rides on our five senses. Refining or reigning of senses gives rise to pure thoughts and pure thoughts give rise to Bhakti(devotion towards lord) or love and by this divine love one can realize one’s true nature. There are laws for everything. Good deeds will yield good results and bad deeds will yield bad results. With good deeds one can realize god in a very short span of time (one lifetime). With bad deeds one gets drifted away from god or true nature and may take many more lifes to become good and eventually realize god. Well be it Islam,Christianity or Hinduism…..The basic purpose remains same…..Realization of self and realization of god. It is also said by some Hindu philosophers that all 330 million gods and goddess reside in us in our human body and human mind. Therefore our body and mind is the temple of god. In Hinduism This whole world, the process of life and death is seen as Maya or illusion. In Buddhism and Hinduism there is a concept of wheel of life and death and law of karma or action. In Buddhism there is a concept of Dukha.It is seen as sorrow, hatred, jealousy, sufferings, diseases and craving for things that can’t be obtained. End of craving or desires is seen as nirvana in Buddhism. Maya is seen as an illusion and at the same time Mahamaya is seen as a goddess. There is also concept of brahm.Brahm means god, it also means universe and at the same time it also means illusion. Whole world and universe is seen as Maya. Life and death is Maya. It is said that without Maya there can not be life and death. Maya rides the chariot of five horses and these five horses represent five senses. Meditation is a very essential part of Hinduism. Meditation is basically a technique of quieting the mind. Mind is the most judgmental element of human psyche and body and it is the habit of mind to judge. By meditation one not only quiets mind but at the same time one becomes more aware about the inner self. All religious scriptures give us knowledge and intelligence of some sort. There are Hindu philosophers who argue that our knowledge, Intelligence and contemplation helps us reach a certain level in spirituality and after a certain level one has to drop everything learnt so far. It is argued that people who are very religious seldom get nirvana(become more judgmental) as this sect of people use their acquired knowledge more often and this knowledge acts as an obstacle (Maya) for them and holds them back to Maya. It is believed that present age is 27th kalyug.One yug consists of four ages or era’s namely satyug,Treta yug,Dvapara yug and kalyug.Four yugas constitute one day and one night of lord Brahma. All major religions have one more thing in common…call it Armageddon or qayamat or pralaya i.e. destruction by nature’s fury. From Markandeya Purana: "At the end of the night, when the inundating Pralay receded and the Lord awakened from His prolonged sleep, He began the work of creation again. It was even more amazing for Markandeya to see the inundating water recede and new creation taking place. He began to pray the Lord with folded hands. Pleased by his prayers, the Lord said that He always protected His devotees even during the most severe crises. Markandeya then asked about the appearance of the true devotees of the Lord. He also expressed his curiosity to know the reasons of their birth." In all the religions whether Christianity or Buddhism or Islam or Hinduism. The perception of god and God’s deeds are almost same. There is a pre-conceived notion about God. We say God is merciful, creator, lord, king and so on and so forth and at the same time we human beings are servants of God. If God is the creator, then who is the destroyer? If God brings Happiness, then who brings sorrow and grief? If god gives life then who gives us death? In Hinduism Lord Yumraja is the god of death. In Christianity it is the angel azrael.Muslims call that angel iz’rail. Prayers are also somewhat similar, in all the great religions of world, some important elements which are common in prayers are peace, love, good health, General well being of near and dear ones and grace of Almighty. Only difference may be language in which one prays. Well the idea behind the above writing is to perceive god in totality,i.e in good and bad. It is often said that Satan is responsible for man’s evil deed. By the way” who created Satan?” There are number of similarities in all the major religions. The difference I feel is the terminology and language. Sanskrit for Hinduism and budhism,Arabic for Muslims and English and Hebrew for Christians and Jews. Languages are a part and parcel of cultures. It is not the teachings of religions which create disharmony but the medium in which the scriptures are written as people clinch to their cultures with as much sincerity as they follow their religions and are seldom ready for change. Different languages many times creates confusion and communication gap which further leads to misunderstanding. It is very important to have respect for every religion for a peaceful society and peaceful world .whatever may be the differences in religions and religious terminology, the basic teachings of all the religions remains same and one should make more efforts in order to create bridges among all the religions for a better world for all.There may not be uniformity in religions as every religion claims to be best, but there is uniformity in laws of god, or Allah or Paramatma…..or whatever name you call.