Santo Niño de Atocha

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Santo Niño de Atocha statue
Santo Niño de Atocha statue

The Santo Niño de Atocha is a Roman Catholic depiction of the Infant Jesus and is popular in the Hispanic cultures of Spain, Mexico, and the southwestern United States, especially New Mexico.


[edit] History

During the 13th Century, Spain was under Umayyad conquest of Hispania by the Moors. The town of Atocha was lost to the Muslim invaders, and the Christians there were taken prisoners. The Christians were placed on strict punishments and prohibitions were placed on the devout prisoners, who they were denied food by their captors. Eventually, only children under the age of 12 were permitted to bring them food. The women of Atocha knew that most of the people in the jails could not survive under such conditions. They were praying before the statue of Our Lady of Atocha, they pleaded for the Blessed Virgin Mary to ask her Jesus christ for help.

Reports began to spread among the people of Atocha that a child under the age of twelve had begun to bring food to childless prisoners. The child was dressed in pilgrim's clothing.

When the women of Atocha heard of the miraculous Child, they returned to Our Lady of Atocha and thanked the Virgin for her intercession. Looking upon the image of the Madonna, they noticed that the shoes worn by the Infant Jesus held by Our Lady of Atocha were tattered and dusty. The shoes were replaced but became soiled once again. The people of Atocha saw this as a sign that the Infant Jesus went out every night to help those in need. It is said that he does many miracles, especially to children.

[edit] Devotion beyond Atocha

The Moorish conflict extended well beyond the town of Atocha. During dire points in their journey, travelers reported a young boy, dressed as a pilgrim, that would come to them bringing food and other neccessities. The boy would often travel with them until they were out of danger and then guide them to the safest roads to reach their destination. The miraculous Child was always considered to be the Infant Christ and was given the title the Holy Child Of Atocha.

The the Holy Child Of Atocha was also said to have saved miners who were trapped in a mine shaft. He does many miracles and millions believe in him all over the world.

[edit] Mexico

El Santo Niño de Atocha (holy card).
El Santo Niño de Atocha (holy card).

When the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire of the Aztec, a Spanish general went to explore the northern lands of New Spain. He and his troops came to a place where an ash tree stood at the edge of a lake. They decided to name the place Fresnillo. In the times following the Conquest, they named the land where Fresnillo was located the state of Zacatecas because it was abundant in grass. While a town was being built in Fresnillo some miners were out near the lake when a mule came from the west. The mule carried a giant wooden crate on its back. The miners decided to take the crate off the mule for a little while so it could rest and drink water. However, once the miners removed the crate the mule ran away leaving the miners the wooden crate. When the miners opened the crate they were shocked to find a silver crucified Christ with no cross. The general ordered a church be built across the valley and named the city Plateros, because that is where the silver Christ was discovered. The general then ordered an image of Our Lady of Atocha to be brought from Spain to Plateros. The image was put in the church of Saint Agustine along with the silver Christ. In those years silver was discovered in Fresnillo and mines were being built in the mountains near the settlement. When in a few weeks of the opening of the mine of Fresnillo, there was an explosion and many miners were trapped. The wives of the miners went to the church of St. Agustine to pray for their husbands and noticed that the child on the image of Our Lady of Atocha was missing. At the same time in the mine a child was said to come to the miners, given them water and showed them the way out of the mine. Whenever there was a problem at the mine the child was said to help those miners in need. Each time this happened, the image of the child on the Virgin's arms was found to be dirty and his clothes had little holes in them. After that the Holy Child was taken of his mother's arms and put on a glass box for everyone to see. Saint Atocha has become a symbol of Zacatecas and the protector of miners. Many make pilgrimages to Plateros at Christmas to bring the Santo Niño toys.

[edit] Appearance

Saint Atocha is depicted dressed as a boy pilgrim. He wears a hat and a very ornate cloak and holds a basket of roses or food in one hand and a pilgrim's staff in the other. In art, the Saint Atocha's basket is sometimes shown empty, giving the impression that he has been out serving the needy; however, reports given by those who saw the Saint Atocha claim that his basket never ran out of food. Also, his pilgrim's staff is often depicted with a water gourd fastened to it.

In later years, a shell pattern called the Shell of Saint James was pictured on the cape on his outfit. This identifies the Saint Atocha with northern Spain the destination of many who fled from the Moors, because the St. James Shell is a symbol of the pilgrims to the Shrine of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Coordinates: 23°13′34″N 102°50′28″W / 23.22611, -102.84111
