Santa Luzia, Cape Verde

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Santa Luzia
Elevation: 395 m (Monte Grande)
Latitude: 16°45'41 N
Longitude: 24°44'38 W
Length: km
Width: km
Population: 0
Location: Cape Verde Islands
Area: 35 km²

Santa Luzia (Portuguese for Saint Lucy) is an island of the Barlavento archipelago in Cape Verde located between São Nicolau and São Vicente. The area is 35 km² (some reads 34 km²). The highest point is Monte Grande elevating 395 m. Home to a small agricultural population in the eighteenth century, desertification led to its abandonment, while it later acted as a hermitage. It was formerly home to a unique lizard. In the 20th century, a meteorology station was built.

Coordinates: 16°45′41″N, 24°44′38″W