Sant'Agostino (Siena)

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The church of Sant'Agostino.
The church of Sant'Agostino.

Sant'Agostino is a church in Siena, Tuscany, central Italy.

The construction of the church and its associate convent began in 1258 and lasted for more than fifty years. Other renovations and reconstructions were carried on in the following centuries.

The interior, redesigned by Luigi Vanvitelli in the 18th century, has maintained the large high altars in polychrome marble from the 16th-17th centuries. From the Vanvitelli renovation date the stucco statues in the nave and in the transept.

The church is home to a huge number of artworks. A partial list includes: the Baptism of Constantine by Francesco Vanni, a Trinity and Saints altarpiece by Pietro Sorri, the funerary monument of Agostino Chigi (1631), the ithe right chapels are a Birth of the Virgin and a Nativity by Francesco di Giorgio Martini and workshop, an altarpiece with the Path to the Calvary by Ventura Salimbeni, the monument to Pope Pius II (1850), the Piccolomini altar, in polychrome marble (1596), which also include paintings by Il Sodoma (Adoration of the Magi) and Perugino (Crufixion).
