
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Today is Friday,13 June 2008. There are currently 2,411,841 articles in the English Language Wikipedia.
All rights released to all text
I agree to release all rights, unless otherwise stated, to all my text contributions to the English Wikipedia, enabling anyone to use them for any purpose. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under free use terms, please check the Multi-licensing guide.

Useful links
Warnings to Users
Lupin's Anti-Vandal
Edit counter
... I'll add more links when I have time

Hello, welcome to my userpage. I live in Bogotá, Colombia. The first article I ever created in wikipedia was Edgar Morin. I invite anyone to make fun of Britannica. I am a proud member of the AWWDMBJAWGCAWAIFDSPBATDMTD. I don't have a real userpage so I tend to fill it with userboxes.

[edit] Open Tasks

Here are some tasks you can do:

[edit] Userboxes

es Este usuario tiene el español como lengua materna.
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
... This user would like to know all existing languages.
Search user languages

This user advocates pacifism.
agn This user is an agnostic.
This user enjoys philosophy.
About me
This user comes from COLOMBIA.
This user was born on March 17th.
This user enjoys heavy metal music.
gk This user is a geek.
This user has no understanding of time and does everything at the last minute.
This user is a Go player.
LN This user's alignment is Lawful Neutral: the "Judge."
INTJ This user's MBTI type is INTJ.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user uses Gmail as a primary E-mail service.
This user is a member of the
Counter-Vandalism Unit.
The VandalProof lock Warning to Vandals: This user is armed with VandalProof.
This user is evil, and frequently says mwhahaha!

Programming Languages
vb-3 This user is an advanced Visual Basic programmer.
Java-2 This user is an intermediate Java programmer.
HTML-1 This user is a beginning HTML user.