Samukawa Shrine

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The Samukawa Shinto shrine ()It is 神社 enshrined to 神奈川県高座郡寒川町 Imperial prince mountain. It is 相模国一ノ宮. ..old.. 社格 is a company in country. Ancient times and the Sagamigawa measuring up are presumed that powerful some powerful clans built from going down of the Sagami country make and belonging to the platform county that is the ground of the those who introduce company Koguryo immigration.

It enshrines it on a low plateau in the left bank that went back from the mouth of a river of 相模川 by about seven kilos. It is thought by ancient times that 相模湾 enters around here, and there was Sagami 国府 in the vicinity of 海老名市 Kokubu from the Shinto shrine to 8 kilo further upstream. Respecting the court was also thick as the great shrine of 延喜式 Sagami name of a country god. Those who visit a shrine gather all around 関東 all over as a patron saint of taking off now.

About Matscami, the Samukawa wolf and the respondent god emperor, etc. sell and are being assumed to be married couple god compared with Samukawa Hifl and Samukawa now though are various opinions. There is a company Samukawa Shinto shrine in the expression also in 下総国. There are "Takeyumimats" (the eighth in the New Year), "Nationalist government festival" (May 5), "Hamaf old fashioned festival" (July 15), "浜降祭" (the third Monday in July), and "Festival" (September 20) in the festival.

Recently, ねぶた came to be decorated between until Setsubun from the new year to February by the sexagenary cycle at the god gate. When the night comes, the light is improved.

Coordinates: 35°22′47″N, 139°22′59″E