Salamis Naval Base

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Hellenic Navy Emblem
Hellenic Navy Emblem

The Salamis Naval Base or Naval Station of Salamis (Greek: Ναύσταθμος Σαλαμίνας) is the biggest Greek naval base and it is located at the Northeast in the island of Salamina, occupying extents of at both sides of channel. It is washed from northern by the Gulf of Eleusis and by south-eastern from the Bight of Paloukia (of Salamina) where it belongs in his cluster of Saronic Gulf. The Naval Station of Salamis anchors the bigger part of his martial boats Greek Martial Navy, as gunboats, frigates, minesweepers , submarines e.t.c. Also the majority of administrative services of Greek martial navy are accommodated in buildings of naval base. The Naval station Salamina occupies daily above 10.000 workers of included high ranked executives, officers, non-commissioned officers, seamen recruits , the technical personnel and political workforce.


[edit] The selection of location

The aspect of Naval Base in 1905
The aspect of Naval Base in 1905

The first Greek Naval station afterwards the revolution 1821, was founded in 1829 in Poros and it functioned there up to 1881. At the time interval from January 1878 until the means April 1881, certain activities of Naval station of Poros they had been transported provisionally in the spaces of Faneromeni Monasteri in Salamina. On 16 April 1881 was decided the foundation of Naval station in the Salamina in the place Arapi (current place of Naval station). The total extent roughly 3,000 acres (12 km²) that were required for his creation, was granted free of charge by the Municipality Salamina and by householders of ground of island. This concession, that became mainly for the service of national interests, will be to yield also important profits in the island From 1881 began progressively the construction of Naval station Salamine and simultaneously the transport of installations that existed in Poros and in Faneromeni Monasteri. From the first buildings that were manufactured in the under construction Naval station it was also the church of Saint Nikolaos (dues 1882). In the duration of First World War, Balkan Wars, Great Fire of Smyrna and the Second World War, the Naval station of Salamis Island it offered priceless services in Greek nation. Afterwards the retirement of German conquerors from Greece (October 1944), the Naval station had suffered important damage. His work of reconstruction began in November 1944 and progressively they restored the operation Since then the Naval station Salamina it continued and it continues covering at the evener way the needs of maintenance and support of martial boats, contributing thus considerably in the national defence and at extension in the national sovereignty and independence of Greece.

[edit] Economical Contribution

The Base at period 1925 - 1935
The Base at period 1925 - 1935

Beyond this contribution of Naval station in Greek nation, should not be ignored also his important offer in the economic and social life of Salamis Island, where it resides and develops his activities. The places of work of Naval station, or these concern in the military personnel (Officers - Non-commissioned officers) or in the political personnel (Administrative - Technical), constituted always pole of attraction for the local population of island. At the passed century the professions, that enjoyed the catholic acceptance in the small society of Salamina, were those of grocer and worker in the Naval station. The usual wish that elders gave in newest for their professional re-establishment "I wish you to become master - at - arms in the Naval station", expresses more generally the love islander to the sea and more specifically the unbreakable relation of Naval station with the Salamina.

Enough by the places of work of Naval station, at all the duration of his operation, they was covered and is covered by the indigenous population of Salamina. This make gave serious motive of eve of young persons in their island, deterring the immigration in other places to search of work, particularly the difficult years of decade 1950. From this reason the Salamis Island existed not only one from the very little Greek places where the residents as a rule migrated , on the contrary place where was installed permanently population from other parts of Greece. All them they explain why the older residents of island called Naval station "Saint Saver". The needs of Naval station gave always work in the residents of Salamina and thus "saved" theirs but also the place from the immigration. Today the total number of workers in the region of Naval station (Addresses of Naval station, Administrations and Boats of Headquarters of Fleet, Private Garages), amounts roughly in the 10,000 individuals, from which coming from the Salamina , it is calculated that, they exceed the 2,000 individuals. Also enough by the needs of Naval station in foods, materials, supplies and other types, they are covered by the local market of Salamina, creating in this way moreover places of work in the island. With simple economic terms, the work creates income and the income economic growth with recipient, in the particular case, the Salamis Island.

The Naval Base after the retreatment of Germans
The Naval Base after the retreatment of Germans

[edit] Social Contribution

[edit] Emergencies

In all cases needed the subscription for the confrontation of emergencies of Salamina, the Naval station was and he is always present. Only at last five-year period (2001-2005), firefighting forces of Naval station participated in time and effectively in at least 50 missions of extinguishment of fires of countryside and installations in Salamis Island. Tankers vehicles of Naval station supply for enough years with water at all the duration of year the historical abbeys of Faneromeni Monasteri and Saint Nikolaos in the Lemonia (in Salamis), as well as the children's camps in the region Kanakia of Salamina at the duration of summer months.

[edit] Health

The Hospital of Naval station offers important medical help in the residents of Salamina, particularly in the workers in this and in the members of their families. Before the recent installation of mobile units EKAV in the island, many emergencies and serious incidents of health of residents of Salamina were faced with success from the hospital of Naval station.

[edit] Education

Appreciable, also, it is the contribution of Naval station in the sector of professional training of young persons.In the installations of Naval station function faculties of third - year education of various specialties of Organization for the Occupation of the Work Force (OAED) (Greek: OAEΔ). In them study globally roughly 130 students, many in deed from which they come from the Salamis Island. In the students are provided free education and wage for their time practical practices, which are carried out in the garages of Naval station.

[edit] Notes

( in Greek )

  • Vice Admiral Thomas Katopodis ( of Hellenic Navy ) "Salamina, the Love", magazine Erefna , issue Jul-Aug 2001.
  • Commander N.Tsaprazis ( of Hellenic Navy ) "the Martial Naval station Salamina", Publications of Historical Service of Navy, 1991.''
  • Lieutenant commander Ath. Tsilivigkos ( of Hellenic Navy ) "Salamina, Faneromeni Monasteri and First Naval station 1878-1881", Publications Ianthos, 2005.
  • P. Fimis "the Background of Martial Naval station Salamina", magazine Erefna , issue Jul-Aug 2001.
  • Album "Naval Hospital of Salamina 1878-2003", Publications NNS, 2003.