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              JOHN B. WICKSTROM



Date and Place of Birth: July 23, 1941, Lansing, MI Marital Status: Married Spouse: Elaine L. Wickstrom Children: None Address: 1325 Grand Avenue

             Kalamazoo, MI  49007

Telephone: (616) 382-4407


Ph.D. Yale University 1969 M.A. Yale University 1964 B.A. Michigan State University (magna cum laude) 1962


Professor, Kalamazoo College 1985-present Associate Professor, Kalamazoo College 1975-1985 Assistant Professor, Kalamazoo College 1969-1975 Instructor, Kalamazoo College 1966-1969



The Life of Blessed Maurus, first disciple of St. Benedict: translation and historical commentary Cistercian Publications/The Liturgical Press, (publication est. 2007).

ACluny, Cîteaux and Blessed Maurus of Glanfeuil,@ Revue Bénédictine, Tome 113, juin 2003, 124-34.

“Carthusians@ and "Divine Office@ in The Encyclopedia of Monasticism (Fitzroy, Dearborn: London, 2000).

“Pope Gregory=s Life of Benedict and the Illustrations of Abbot Desiderius of Monte Cassino@, Studies in Iconography 18 (1998), pp. 34-78.

“St. Maurus of Glanfeuil: Text and Image in the Making of a Holy Man@, Studies in Iconography 14 (1994). pp. 53-85.

"The Humiliati: liturgy and identity,"

         Archivum Fratres Praedicatorum, 1992:4.pp. 1-32.

"The Antiphons ad psalmos of Carthusian Lauds,"

           Analecta Cartusiana 116:1.  (1988), 7-33

"ICS MS 34: A fifteenth-century Cistercian Breviary,"

         Manuscripta 28:3 (1984), 131-8.

Reviews: Monastic Rules: The Medieval Review, July, 1998 Aspects of Carthusian Religious Practices Church History, Dec. 1997 A Brotherhood of Canons Seeking God: Church History, July 1997 The Winchcombe Sacramentary: Church History, December 1996 Johannes Klenkok: A Friar's Life: Church History, March 1996 Fifteenth century Carthusian reform: Speculum, Jan 95 Church and chronicle in the Middle Ages: The Catholic Historical Review, Jan 93 Art and politics in late medieval and early Renaissance Italy: Church History Dec 92

COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 1988— Chair, History Department 2005— Information Services Advisory Committee (chair) 2003-2005 Academic Advisory Board 2000-04: Academic Standards Committee, Chair 2002- 1997-8 Personnel Committee 1995- Curricular Reform Committee 1988 - 91 Faculty Personnel Committee (chair)

PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Medieval Academy of America Medieval Association of the Midwest 16th Century Studies Association

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 1998-2002: Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting 1980 --- Annual International Congress on Medieval Studies -Kalamazoo 1999: The Current State of the History of Culture (Chicago Feb) 1997: 16th Century Studies Conference: Atlanta 1995: Conference: Gender Studies in Medieval Studies: UNC 1994 International Association of Byzantinists Meeting. 1992: American Historical Assn Annual Meeting

1983 -95 Board of Directors, The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 1986-7 Organized and chaired two sections on "The Divine Office: History and Spirituality" 21st and 22nd International Congress on Medieval Studies 1988-89 Board Member: The Medieval Institute, Western

                   Michigan University

1988 Patristic Society of America National Meeting:

                   Loyola University (Chicago)


2002: ASaint Placid of Monte Cassino: the invention of a saint, 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies 2001: ABlessed Maurus: from Oblate to Holy Man, 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies 2000: AThe Blessed Maurus, Cluny and Cîteaux,@ 35th International Congress on Medieval Studies. 1999: How to Make a Useable Saint, Honors Day Lecture, Kalamazoo College. 1996: The Illustrated Life of St. Benedict by Abbot Desiderius of Monte Cassino: Faculty Study Group 1996: The Codex Benedictus: Lecture: Center for Medieval Studies: WMU. 1993: Gregory the Great=s Life of St. Benedict and the Illustrations of Vat. lat. 1202.@

                     28th International Congress on Medieval Studies.

1991: "The Rule of the Humiliati": 26th International Congress on Medieval Studies.History in a postmodern world", Faculty Study Group, January 12. 1988 The Divine Office of the Humiliati - 24th International Congress on Medieval Studies (April) 1988 Ecos' The Name of the Rose: Faculty Study Group