Saint Pausilypus

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Saint Pausilypus
Died 140 AD, Heraclea Sintica
Venerated in Roman Catholic Church
Feast 8 April & 15 April
Saints Portal

Saint Pausilypus was a Christian martyr of the second century. He was condemned to be beheaded under Emperor Hadrian; however, the chains in which he was bound fell from him on the way and he miraculously escaped from his persecutors. He died soon after, about 140 AD at Heraclea Sintica in Thrace, as a result of the torture inflicted on him by his captors.

When commemorated on his own, his feast is April 8th; when commemorated with the Roman Martyrs, April 15th.

[edit] References

  • Holweck, F.G. A Biographical Dictionary of the Saints. 1924.