Saint Bridget College

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Saint Bridget College
M.H. del Pilar Street
Batangas City

Affiliation(s) Roman Catholic
President Sr. Mary Lydia Ebora, RGS
Type Private
Athletics SBC Blue Saints
Athletics conference BCPRISAA, USCAA
Motto Luceat Lux Vestra ("Let Your Light Shine")
Mascot Bulak, the Sheep
Color(s) Blue and White         
Established 1913
Hymn SBC Hymn
Accreditation Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities

St. Bridget College is a catholic education institution located in M.H. del Pilar Street, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines.


[edit] History

The Religious of the Good Shepherd (RGS) established the first Catholic School for girls in the Diocese of Lipa. This was in 1913, when the Most Reverend Joseph Petrelli, Bishop of the Diocese, asked the help of the RGS Sisters working in Rangoon, Burma to come to Batangas to start the first educational mission of the Church in his Diocese. The challenge to undertake this new mission was enthusiastically taken up by Mother Mary of St. Ligouri and her companions. Within a short span of time, more Sisters from the Mother House in France arrived. There were many difficulties in the beginning but the Irish and American Sisters who pioneered the task surmounted all these through their untiring sacrifices and the generosity of the people in the community.

For thirty-four years the educational program of Saint Bridget was confined to grade school and high school. In 1953 the Boys’ High School Department was established in answer to the insistent demands of parents who wanted their growing sons to be provided with a Catholic education. His Excellency, the Most Reverend Alejandro Olalia, wholeheartedly endorsed this new department.

In 1980 the students of the Boys and Girls High School Departments were integrated into co-educational classes. The undertaking turned out to be a learning process for the administration, the faculty and the students themselves. It was an attempt to answer the students’ felt need to relate in an atmosphere of friendship, participative discovery and sharing of one’s capabilities, abilities and talents. The integration of the boys and the girls in the academic classes, supplemented with co-curricular and extra curricular activities help them grow and lead wholesome lives.

In 1998 sensitive to the rapid development of information technology, St. Bridget took up the challenge of integrating technology in the academic instructions familiarizing students from elementary to College with computers, computer knowhow, software programs, the internet, websites, presentation software etc.

[edit] Vision

St. Bridget College is a Catholic academic community committed to develop full human persons dedicated to the loving service of God and His society. The appropriate and ethical use of state-of-the-art technology enhances the pursuit of this purpose.

[edit] Vision Statement

St. Bridget College Batangas is a Catholic evangelizing educational institution founded by the Religious of the Good Shepherd inspired by the compassion of Jesus, and the zeal of St. John Eudes and St. Mary Euprashia.

We (Saint Bridget College) form Christian communities through education that strengthens faith and morals and uplifts human dignity.

Impelled by merciful love we participate actively in building a transformed society characterized by the love of God and neighbor, justice, peace, reconciliation, and integrity of creation

[edit] Mission

The mission of St. Bridget College is rooted in the Catholic church mandate to make visible the love of God for all, especially in proclaiming the spirit of the Good Shepherd that affirms one person is of more value than the whole world. St. Bridget College seeks to develop a true appreciation of our Filipino heritage and a justice-oriented leadership to bring about fruits of freedom and peace in our families and communities.

[edit] Mission Statement

Saint Bridget College Batangas will become a center for excellence offering an education with programs and services that are person and community oriented anchored in Christian faith and values and supported by appropriate resources and technology.

We (St. Bridget College) will form a competent, committed and integrated persons who live the Good Shepherd charism of compassion and the values of St. Bridget College.

Drawing from our tradition of caring we will create a culture of reconciliation, justice and peace responsove to societal and cosmic needs.

[edit] Core values

  • Zeal
  • Compassion
  • Service
  • Integrity
  • Nationalism
  • Justice

Sensitive to the changing demands of the times and the rapid development of technology, Saint Bridget College opted to seriously take the challenge of integrating technology in instructions in 1998. Saint Bridget College has continuously embarked on Quality Education and to ensure this, the school has been under an accrediting agency.

[edit] Philosophy

Saint Bridget College is an academic community dedicated to the apostolate of formal education under the guidance of the Good Shepherd Sisters with the cooperation of the administrative teaching and maintenance staff. As such, its Philosophy of Education is governed by four considerations:

  • Catholic
  • Good shepherd in spirit
  • Filipino
  • Leadership and justice oriented

[edit] External links
