Sahana Pradhan

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Sahana Pradhan is a Nepalese politician. She resigned as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nepal on April 16, 2008.[1]

Pradhan was married to communist stalwarth Pushpa Lal Shrestha, and was a leading figure in his Communist Party of Nepal. When Pushpa Lal died in 1978, she took over the party leadership.

When the CPN(UML) was divided in 1998, Pradhan sided with the break-away faction. She became chairperson of Communist Party of Nepal (Marxist-Leninist).[2] However, in 2002 CPN(ML) merged back into CPN(UML).[3]

At the 2003 7th conference of CPN(UML), Pradhan was reelected to the Central Committee.[4]

Pradhan is currently the number two candidate of CPN(UML) in the proportional representation list for the Constituent Assembly election.[5]

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