Talk:Safe Minds

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[edit] Things I removed

  • "even as medical authorities have slowly implemented measures to remove mercury from vaccines."

This is slightly irrelivant

  • "containing mercury, a known neurotoxin"

This is factualy incorrect [1]

  • "In the late 1930s, Leo Kanner first identified autism as a type of mental disorder, a date coincidental with the introduction of thimerosal containing vaccines (TCVs), which use ethylmercury as a preservative."

This is irrelivant.Geni 01:37, 28 May 2005 (UTC)

Thank you for input, Geni. The fact that Danish epidemiological studies have revealed a much slower acceleration of the prevalence of autism since banning TCVs, while authorities in the US has merely recommended their removal, presents prima fascia evidence that the ethylmercury in TCVs is likely responsible for the much higher prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in the US. Can you provide evidence to support your contention that ethylmercury or mercury in its elemental form is not a neurotoxin? Your link to a google search does not appear to clarify your point. As for Kanner, there are repeated mentions of the fact autism and Asperger's were identified proximate to the time TCVs were introduced in articles published by Safe Minds. This article inherently must cover issues central to the philosphies and agenda of this stakeholder group. Just because you do not ascribe to the premise does not justify deleting this oft cited coincidence. Ombudsman 02:31, 28 May 2005 (UTC)
a) irrleivant to the article b)I can't prove a negative c)MMR does not contain mercury so clearly the orinisation doesn't limit itself in the way you suggest d)stangley listing coincidences privides no further data on the orginisation.Geni 12:43, 28 May 2005 (UTC)
If AS was described as early as 1926 by Ewa Ssucharewa, then this coincidence can not hold.

"Can anyone explain when Sally Bernard changed her name to Sallie? She used both up until 2002, it looks like from the archives of Lyn Redwood's Autism Mercury Yahoo! Group where Sally/Sallie was a frequent poster. Seems like both names ought to be used in this entry for clarity and perhaps an explanation of the use of both spellings, since the NYT was accused by her supporters of mispelling her name as "Sally".

Is anybody aware of what "R.N., M.S.N., C.R.N.P," all mean (if anything)?