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Hangul 새만금
Hanja 새萬金
Revised Romanization Saeman(-)geum
McCune-Reischauer Saeman'gŭm

The Saemangeum was an estuarine tidal flat on the coast of the Yellow Sea in South Korea. It was dammed by the government of South Korea in April 2006, after a long fight between the government and environmental activists, and is scheduled to be converted into either agricultural or industrial land. Prior to 2006, it had played an important role as a habitat for migratory birds. The completion of this seawall is likely to be a major contributor to the decline of many species. Around 400 000 shorebirds depended on the Saemangeum estuarine as an important feeding ground on the 24,000 km migration between Asia and Alaska and Russia[1], including the two endangered waders Nordmann's Greenshank and Spoon-billed Sandpiper (each species with less than a thousand surviving birds). [2] A conservation organisation has accused authorities of having failed to monitor the project's impact on local wildlife in a transparent way, and carried out an independent monitoring program in 2006.

The Saemangeum lay at the mouths of the Dongjin and Mangyeong Rivers, on the coast of Jeollabuk-do. It is just south of the estuary of the Geum River. Neighboring districts include Gunsan City, Buan County, and Gimje City.

The project of filling in the estuary began in 1991, but was slowed by a series of court actions by environmentalists. The completed seawall is some 33 kilometers long, and replaces a coastline that was once more than 100 kilometers long. After the estuary has been completely filled, an area of about 400 km² (roughly two-thirds the size of Singapore) will have been added to the Korean peninsula, making it one of the biggest landfills in history.[3]

The estuary was originally called "Mangeum" (萬金). This name was probably formed from combining the first character of "Mangyeong" and that of "Gimje." [4]


[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ accessed 2008-01-28
  2. ^ BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Birds 'starve' at S Korea wetland
  3. ^ accessed 2007-04-21
  4. ^ 땅이름국토소례. Korea Landportal (2003-06). Retrieved on 2006-05-06.

[edit] References

Moores, N.; Battley, P.; Rogers, D.; Park M-N; Sung H-C; Van de Kam, J.; & Gosbell, K. (2006). Birds Korea – AWSG Saemangeum Shorebird Monitoring Program Report, 2006. Birds Korea publication: Busan.

[edit] External links
