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S'redit are elephants. They are used by the Seanchan in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time books.

[edit] Description

Elephants are almost unknown in the Westlands, but they are used as war animals in Seanchan where they are known as s'redit. Valan Luca calls them giant boar-horses to make them more pronounceable and interesting.

There are three giant boar-horses in his circus:

Mer - the bull Sanit - the cow Nerin - the calf

References TGH,Ch47 - The Seanchan army pours out of Falme accompanied by raken, grolm, corlm, torm, and s'redit.

TFoH,Ch13 - Mer tears a hole in the front of The King's Lancer in Sienda costing Valan Luca most of his cash and a hasty departure from the town.

TFoH,Ch17 - Cerandin introduces Elayne and Nynaeve to Mer, Sanit and Nerin.

TFoH,Ch24 - Cerandin handled s'redit for the Empress in the Court of the Nine Moons.

TFoH,Ch38 - Cerandin leads her s'redit in a performance at Valan Luca's circus.

TFoH,Ch47 - Cerandin says that some prefer lopar or grolm for battle but she thinks properly handled s'redit are better.

TFoH,Ch47 - Cerandin refuses to leave the circus because she could not take her s'redit with her.

WH,Ch18 - The Seanchan bring many of their exotic creatures to Ebou Dar including torm, corlm, raken, to'raken and s'redit. S'redit are mainly used for carrying heavy loads.

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