Sönke Wortmann

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Sönke Wortmann (2006)
Sönke Wortmann (2006)

Sönke Wortmann (August 25, 1959 in Marl) is a German film director.

After graduation, Sönke played professional soccer for three years. Without enough talent for a larger career, he left the game in search of a new field of study. After dabbling in sociology, he settled upon the University of Television and Film Munich in 1984. After graduation in 1989, he also spent some time at the London Royal College of Art.

Apart from studies, he also worked as an actor, appearing in the Bavarian TV show Die glückliche Familie (The Lucky Family).

In 1991, his first feature film, Allein unter Frauen (Alone amongst women), debuted to much success, but it was Der bewegte Mann in 1995 that brought him critical acclaim. Since then, he has made several other films, the latest being Das Wunder von Bern, (The Miracle of Bern), which was the most successful German motion picture of 2003.

[edit] Filmography

  • Deutschland. Ein Sommermärchen (Germany. A summer fairy tale) (2006)
  • Das Wunder von Bern (The Miracle of Berne) (2003)
  • The Hollywood Sign (2001)
  • St. Pauli Nacht (1999)
  • Der Campus (Campus) (1998)
  • Das Superweib (The Superwife) (1996)
  • Der Bewegte Mann (Maybe, Maybe Not) (1994)
  • Mr. Bluesman (1993)
  • Kleine Haie (Acting It Out) (1992)
  • Allein unter Frauen (Alone Among Women) (1991)
  • Drei D (1988)
  • Hochzeit des Figaro (1988)
  • Fotofinish (1986)
  • Anderthalb (1984)
  • Nachtfahrer (1981)

[edit] External links
