São Vicente, São Paulo

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Município da Estância Balneária de São Vicente
State São Paulo
Metropolitan Region: Baixada Santista
Founded: January 22, 1532
Location 23.950195 S, 46.343765 W
Area 148 km²
Population density
329 370 (2006)
2.219,1 inh./km²
Postal code: 11300-xxx
Area/distance code: 13
Website: São Vicente Municipality
Mayor Tércio Garcia
Map in São Paulo

Coordinates: 23°57′48″S, 46°23′32″W

São Vicente is a coastal city of Southern São Paulo, Brazil. Its estimated population in 2006 was 329 370 inhabitants.

It was the first Portuguese permanent settlement in the Americas and the first capital of the Captaincy of São Vicente, now the state of São Paulo. Established as a proper village in 1532 by Martim Afonso de Sousa on what was then the Porto dos Escravos (port of the slaves), operated by three Portuguese colonists who trafficked on slaves captured by allied tribes, São Vicente is titled Cellula Mater (Mother Cell) of Brazil for being the first organized town in the country. The first City Council of all the Americas was democratically elected and established in São Vicente on August 22, 1532.

Today's city is positioned off the island of São Vicente. Its economy is based on tourism.

A suspension bridge linking the island and the mainland was first constructed in 1914. Neighborhoods include Humaitá, Parque das Bandeiras, Vila Ema and Quarentenário. São Vicente is linked with the Rodovia Manuel da Nóbrega.

[edit] Population history

Year Population Density
2003 314,312 2,123.73/km²
2004 321,474 2,172.12/km²
Biquinha de Anchieta
Biquinha de Anchieta
North: Cubatão, São Paulo and São Bernardo do Campo
West: Mongaguá and Praia Grande São Vicente East: Santos
Southwest: Mongaguá and Praia Grande South: Atlantic Ocean

[edit] References

[edit] External links