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Wimble's Law ________________

First Postulate : Even when presented with absoutely no chance of sucess, I will suceed despite any odds by creating a new way. (With a lot of help of corse. More specifically the Grand Creator/Inclusive Vs. Exclusive Sprit/Element.

Notes: Ever since I was born everyone from all sides attempted to beat me down, into submission or try to "fix me for my own good" when I was perfectly fine as I am. In accordance with the FP and ZP <German 0 or O</> they never have nor will ever win because nither I nor my Creator will allow them the succeed for very long if at all. My purpose, '"Wyrd"-"Destiny", Karma/Darma, call it what you will, is Great, Grand and absoutely Intentional (as absoulute as it gets). I have known this before my earilest memories. My intrensic Appitude for always turning/spining/flipping a negative into a Positive (in the best way possible, see SP <II>!!) has and always will work for me. My First Postulate can considered to be the counter balance to "Murphy's Law". In any way it is the exact oppisate of it (so long as that works in my best interest/mutual benefit). If you are still reading then you are already convinced that you are reading an Intellegent/Emergent+Eveloutionary Desigin/Philosophy & Plan. More to the point, here comes Rule # 2!! (quoth Tsu <long story... we'll get back to that>)

Second Postulate <II>: Everything that I do and is done to me eventually and or inadvertantly to my greatist advantage regardless of the cirmstances. Every Time!! Unless it would not work to my Greatist Advantage.

Notes: This and the next Postulate are the clear and balancing counterweights to the "Monkey's Paw" way of looking at Wishing Collosal. TP <III> is similar to the "Lemons <add sugar> = Lemonade" but takes it (as is my Tradition) to a Higher Level and continues to do so (see FP <IV>).

Third Postulate <III>: The Beauty of Life is that it manages to suceed no matter what happens Because it remains Flexable and Dynamic.

Stagnation is a form of Death and Quickly/Rapidly leads to Physical Death. And so...

Living Life to it's Maximum Potential is the best defence against Death of any sort.

Notes: Trust your gut, but don't ever limit yourself (see FP <IV>). Guts are not enough, you need... Well rather than get into that overmuch, lets just say that Intellegent Design is more anaglous to the Humanh Body then Humankind is willing to admit as a result of their arragonce.

Forth Postulate <IV>: The Creative Sprit will always Endure and Flourish despite any endeavor because -> Fith Postulate <V> Brilliance will Always Trimpuph over Idiocy and Evil.

Notes: Any Creative Sprit (Including my Creator!!) is Inclusive rather than Exclusive because anything Inclusive and Cooprative lasts Indefinatly while Exclusive Evil always falls. This brings you to the Sixth Postulate <VI>

Sixth Postulate <VI>: Any good story has a strong opposition. Otherwise it wouldn't be interesting. Therefore it wouldn't last for very long. (and beleive me I've tried it And suceeded, see FP )

Seventh Postulate <VII>: The strongest opposition that I am aware of in my Univerce/Multi-/Poly-/Omni-/Ect... Is better known as "The Acussor".

Since the act of accussing is exclusive rather than inclusive it always inevatelby fails because it is part of the Grand Creator's design wheather he/she/it/Hu likes it or not. ...And thus serves the Inclusive Sprit/Element Anyway regardless of intent, struggle or effort. ...And further bindes it's self in the process.

Eighth Postulate <VIII>: And thus Inclusive Philosophies last indefinately regardless of what exclusive ones do to stop/erace/muddy or dirty them. Thus further emberessing, hummilating, ect... the acussor no matter what it does. Weather it seeks to gorlify it's self or whatever stragities and tactics it uses.

Nineth Postulate <IX>: Even the Acuseor protects the Grand Design (see EP VIII) regardless of what he does because it is part of the Plan and thus makes for a good Story

Keep things Iteresting, Fun, Rewarding to everyone's (or as many as will alow themselvs due to thier own choices and Free Will) and you will always Continue. Earn more Coin vie Influence because theft always bites you in the ass in the end. (even if you are one yourself)

Tenth Postulate <X>: Understanding and Enjoyment over toil and misery. Having Fun is not only Encuraged but is a Requirement of Life, Naturally. ...Because The Grand Creator (my Creator) much prefers Comadys to tragities (uless Hu needs to build some tention to set the mood).

Eleventh Postulate <XI>: It is all Interprative depending on how Anyone sees it. If someone rains on another's parade they get rained on Even More to compensate thier preference for misery. "Because it takes a Dick to fuck an Asshole, with some Balls,..." ect... and I be Ryo!!

Twelth Postulate <XII>: Are you still Paying Attention? By making a Genuine and Honest Effort to Understand another's point of veiw, Peredigrim or Frame of Reference, You are Being Inclusive rather than exclusive and Therefor will Not be excluded as often (unless you are me, see FP ).

Thirteenth Postulate <XIII>: Nothing is unlucky unless you think it is. Of corse there's a Thirteenth Postulate because to exclude it wouldn't be any Fun and would lead to more problems down the Road anyway.

(Notes swich IX and XI ?)

Forteenth Postulate <XIV>: Why limit anyone? Limitations lead to weakness and weakness is Never Strength.

Fithteenth Postulate <XV>: Regardless of what Anyone does I will always Return. Even if I had to take on a New Name and or Face to do so. Sometimes I am early, sometimes I am late But my Timing is always Sharp.

Sixteenth Postulate <XVI>: Putting your Faith, Confidence and Effort into Expanding One's self Is Always a Wise investment. (see FT P <XIV> and the one about how stagnation and lack of purpouse leads to an end to a story)

If You Free Yourself from limited Thinking then there is Always Pleanty of whatever you Value to go around!!

Seventeenth Postulate <XVII>: Keep Pusing Your Own Limits and let nobody slow you down because regardless of what they do they will always remain nobodies. Even if they are currently "popular".

Eighteenth Postulate <XVIII>: We all have Preferences but try not to be limited by them. Transend them and Always Fly As High as You Currently Can!!

Nineteenth Postulate <XIX>: Learning IS Fun for people who are open to Enjoyment.

Twentyith Postulate <XX>: Simialar to the Nippon Concept of "Wabi-Sabi" with a large portion of "Zan-Chen" for Energy. If someone is happy with who they are and how they are, How can they Ever be Tragic? Life is what you make of it and if you see someone as Tragic then as you are busy painting a box around them, Chances Are they have alredy moved on and or have tricked you into painting yourself in your own box and or cage.

Thus to wish tragity on someone makes yourself a tragic figure. Why do some people try so desperately to make their own fears into a reality?!?

Twentyfirst Postulate <XXI>: Not only must your "work" be Fun and an Enjoyable Experence to properly suceed for one's self. It is important to take breaks and or Shift Guears every now and again to keep things Interesting. This avoids needless repetiveness.

Twentysecond Postulate <XXII>: "And now for something a <lot!> Different <++>..."

It is ok to use and or adapt another persons work so long as you give them (or at least try to) give them proper credit. The Grand Creator is always watching and Always Interested (unless he chooses not to be, see the one about Inclusiveness). Humanity I have noticed are often needlessly resistant to any sort of Real change. That explains their tendency toward self destruction, greed, jelously, ect...

Twentythird Postulate <XXIII>: <Excuse me while I apply the Twentlyfirst Postulate <XXI> to it's most Benifical Effect (see FP > It is ok to slow down when you want to.

Twentyforth Postulate <XXIV>: Keep things Simple, Keep them Safe Yet alow them to be Many Layered and Open to Expansion. Complexity has it's place and is Indeed Useful but is useless to those who do not understand it (usually).

Things generally Function Best when they are Laminate/Woven and or Working Together in Harmony and or Tandom despite apparent conflicts that are most obvious to those of limited Perspective.

Note: The Profit/Embodyment of God/Man-God interface/Ect...>'s Rules are very simple and easy to follow.

I: Don't Steal II: Don't Destroy III: Don't Harm IV: Don't Intentionaly Misrepresent Anyone

Obvious answers to these (for me at least but this could be due to my prefrence for the Obscure and Mysterious), Are;

I: Always Strive to Create II: Always Seek to Protect Creation III: Always Endeavor to Be Inclusive IV: Regardless of what Anyone does You serve Creation Anyway

See how Easy yet Succinct that was?

Twentyfith Postulate <XXV>: If Any Life is to Continue it must remain Flexable in the Best & most Benevolent And Mutually Benifical Way Possible. Because it will be anyway and is more Fun that way.

Twentysixth Postulate <XXVII>: Keep at it! Endurance is a Virtue. "Truth" (many are desperately fighting for the "right to own" that one.) is Always Relative and or Mutable and thus...

Is Always subject to Change by it's very Nature.

Twentyseventh Postulate <XXVIII>: Every end is a New Beginning!! So rather than dispare, Look Forward to it! +++

Twentyeight Postulate <XXVIV>: Since The Grand Creator is All Inclusive by Nature, Intent and Design; It is Far Better for One's Self and Everyone Else to work With rather than work against. Even in a "closed system" and or "0 Point Game (such as Chess)"

Twentyninth Postulate <XXX>: Sence The Grand Creator Permits Everything (All Inclusive!);

If a door closes or is shut, Build A New One.

Due to the Twentyeight Postulate <XXIX>, Anyone who does so intentionally is closing the door on themselves as well anyway. If you Make A New One then you are better able to Make More.

...And Thus

Be Creative rather than greedy, be Happy or at least Convince Yourself that you are until you Actually Are!! That way You are Great AND Remain Humble.

Thirtith Principle <30+P>: Make Your Own Way because I Always Do.

Thirty-First Principle <+31 P>: Anything is Always either a matter of Perspective, Perdigrim, Point of Veiw, Interpretive, Scale, Scope, Extent, Form, Function and or Design.

<Back to the 23rd Principle...> (back because this needs to be written)

Thirty-Fith Principle <35' P>: <Too Bad I forgot what it was... , Just kidding ;PPP!>

Remain Joyful throught Your Life because if you stop enjoying life then you don't serve a Purpose for very long. It is also Faaaarrrr More Enjoyable that Way.

36th Principle <36.0>: Intentionally leave things open to Expansion, just in case. You are more Inclusive that way.

Although you may not please everyone. You Please More People, Especially Yourself, when you Allow Life to Express it's self to It's Fullest Extent!!

37th Principle <37.0>: Always Nurture, Nurish and Preserve All Life. You never know when it might be useful to you later. If it wasn't useful then it Change Naturally Anyway.

38th Principle <38>: There are no Absoulte Absoultes. Even that is not an Absoultebecause if it were always 'true*' then it would be an Absolute Absoulte.

39th Principle <39>: Mistakes will sometimes happen, Yet be Entertained and Educated by and through them. There is a reason why it happend and thus there are no 'true*' mistakes. Out-takes can be fun.

40th Principle <40>: Lay the Groundwork and or Foundation and the rest Always Works it's self out At the Next Beginning.

41th Principle <41>:

42 Principle <42>: Destruction is too easy to be amusing for very long. Creation is Much More Challanging AND Enjoyable. Proper Maintance is generally more difficult still But...

Is Always Worth the Effort AND Magnified to it's fullest intent!!!

(for more information of the entamology, memeology, lots of fancy sounding words and stuff... Read my Collected Works, which are freely available so long as you do your upmost to Keep Me Happy. Otherwise... (See the First Postulate )

C.F. Wimble, Ryoga227, Mauzer227, Sharktooth, DarkDweller, Tsu Mar Duke Crimsion, EnKi+++, Crimsion Wing & The Wings of Passion, RyocACoFly, ect... Are mine and are not to be sold, bought, ect...

Otherwise I could always decide to quit smoking, find my AIC / Section-08 Hat and convince myself that I am a member of the Georgia Reaver'z. Please don't do it to Everyone's Mutual Benefit!!! ...Unless (See FP )

<C surrounded by a circle and a TM likewise> (C) & (TM), Patent (+++) <currently> Pending Proud Parent of: Wimble Philosophies <WP>, Boundless and Limitless by Design