Ruth Crisp

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Ruth Crisp is an author and philanthropist who lived in Christchurch, New Zealand until 1960. In 1962 the Ruth Crisp Estate published a book of poems and around 1965 the estate gave a large donation to the National Observatory of New Zealand, (Carter Observatory), to further the cause of astronomy. The funds were used to build two observatories and purchase the instruments that are currently installed in both. There is the Ruth Crisp telescope/facility, one of the main telescopes used at the Carter Observatory and the Thomas Cooke facility, a fully re-furbished 140 year old 9.75 inch refractor, in daily use.

[edit] Author

  • Poems and other selected works, by Ruth Crisp. Hardcopy, copyright 1962 to Ruth Crisp Estate. Printed by Whitcombe and Tombs Limited, New Zealand, reference 58512. [1]

A copy was received at Carter Obsrvatory Library, 25 July 1963, Wellington New Zealand.

The book contains numerous poems, including 'Hawaii farewell' (surfing and lovers under moonlight) and 'Evening Star' (see below), also with various text, one called 'CHRISTCHURCH 1946'.

It begins with a description of Ruth's thoughts while looking out her window;
"I look out from my casement windows far away to the snow clad mountains across the distant plains to the north and northwestwards bordering the city of Christchurch. .."
and ends with
".. like the hidden depths of man travels from cradle to the reality of heavenly attainment which the mountains symbolise."

(page 76, 'Poems and Other Works, selected from the writings of Ruth Crisp, 1962)

  • Evening Star.
Oh Star, shine out for me,
Bright, still and clear.
Thou hope in all eternity,
And friend of childhood dear.
When all seems lost and drear
Thou messenger of the purple heights
Thou guide and wisdom seer,
Beckons to me from the soft light's
And dries up sorrow's fear,
Beaconing in the sweet clear night.

(page 77, 'Poems and Other Works, selected from the writings of Ruth Crisp, 1962)

Ruth made no claims to being a poet, but in a curiously poetic manner;

  • Preface.
Remember I make no poets claims, I am ignorant of their laws;
Vision is my thought and as rhyme condenses thought I use it,
An outlet for the conglomeration of a brain,
I cannot help but sift the chaff from the fertile grain.

(preface, 'Poems and Other Works, selected from the writings of Ruth Crisp, 1962)

A copy of the book can be viewed at Carter Observatory, Wellington New Zealand.

[edit] Ruth Crisp Facility at Carter Observatory

Ruth Crisp is the name of an installation at the Carter Observatory in Wellington, New Zealand. The installation consists of a Boller and Chivens 16-inch telescope and mounting, arguably one of the best astronomical instruments in use in New Zealand.

The Ruth Crisp Telescope is a research grade 41-cm reflecting telescope made by Boller and Chivens of the USA. The instrument was once housed and used for research in the Carter Observatory's outstation at Black Birch, in the South Island of New Zealand.

In December 2005 a grant from Pub Charity enabled the re-aluminising of the primary and secondary mirrors and motorising of the dome. It is hoped that further resources will be made available to enable a research programme to be conducted by the facility. Possible research areas include deep sky imaging, microlensing capability and photometry.

[edit] External links