Russian Orthodox Church in America

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The Russian Orthodox Church in America is the direct continuation of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church chartered in February, 1927 by Metropolitan +PLATON with the blessing of Moscow Patriarch +TIKHON. Although the HEOCAC was incorporated under various names throughout the 20th century, it continued directly to Metropolitan +SYMEON, who was elected Primate and enthroned by the Holy Synod in 1989.

In 1996, due to the theft of the original church corporation by unscrupulous persons best left un-named, it was the decision of the current Metropolitan, +SYMEON, in conjunction with the rest of the bishops of the Holy Synod, to recharter the Church as the Russian Orthodox Church in America.

Since the Church was originally Chartered by the Russian Orthodox Bishops under Metropolitan +PLATON as autocephalous, the Russian Orthodox Church in America considers itself non-SCOBA(turned down membership in 1965) and Autocephalous.

Metropolitan +SYMEON is the 9th primate from Archbishop +AFTIMIOS (Ofiesh).