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I live in Greater Boston, Massachusetts with my girlfriend, two cats, and a red_eared_slider named Ravi_Shankar.
Ignore this, I'm just poking at mathematical formulae:
[edit] Notes to make reading Goldwasser - Micali paper [[1]] easier
pg. 270 The first inset text in the introduction gives a rather unusual description of a reduction. At the bottom of the page they use the more common definition. The first one is a really interesting way of describing their security.
pg. 271 end of section 1.2 - later work showed that breaking certain parts of RSA is as hard as breaking RSA in general.
pg. 272 just after property 2 should read: Let g: M -> V be a nonconstant function, and m be a message.
pg. 274 section 2.2 paragraph 2- Note that they use "s" for the public key exponent, where RSA used "e"
pg. 275 last line, the parenthetical remark describes a stricter requirement than the sentence it follows. The sentence's requirement is sufficent.
pg. 276 paragraph 3 - They seem to be referring specifically to RSA used with no padding. The statement is not true for all encryption schemes.
pg. 278 section 3.1 - first paragraph, last line - The number theory is in section 6, not section 7.
pg. 278 notation Hk is the set of n where each of the 2 prime factors of n have k bits.
pg. 278 notation: (x,n) = 1 means that x and n are relatively prime. The (x,n) notation means Greatest Common Divisor
pg. 278 (more) notation: S4k has 4k bits. n is 2k bits, and y is 2k bits. # means concatenation, but is not written literaly. S4k is a bit string. Similarly σ4k is a bit string of length 4k.