Roy A. Tucker

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Roy A. Tucker (born 1951, Jackson, Mississippi)[1] is an American astronomer. He is a prolific discoverer of asteroids, identifying 215 and co-discovering one, between 1996 and 2006.[2]

Tucker was raised in Memphis, Tennessee. In 1966, he became a member of Memphis Astronomical Society and received a Master's degree in Scientific Instrumentation from the University of California, Santa Barbara.[3] He works as a senior engineer in the Imaging Technology Laboratory of the University of Arizona.


[edit] Awards and discoveries

[edit] References

[edit] Further reading

  • Aguirre, Edwin L. 1999. Sentinel of the Sky - Armed with a Modest Telescope and CCD Camera, Tucson Amateur Roy A Tucker Joins the Ranks of Professional Astronomers Who Have Discovered Near-Earth Objects. Sky and Telescope. 97, no. 3: 76.
  • CCD Precision Photometry Workshop, Eric R. Craine, Roy A. Tucker, Jeannette V. Barnes. CCD Precision Photometry Workshop: Proceedings of a Meeting Held at San Diego, California, USA, 6-7, June 1998. Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series, v. 189. San Francisco, Calif: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1999. ISBN 1583810153

[edit] External links