Rossport Five

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The Rossport Five address a rally in Dublin after their release
The Rossport Five address a rally in Dublin after their release

The Rossport Five (Irish: Cúigear Ros Dumhach) are James Brendan Philbin, brothers Philip and Vincent McGrath, Willie Corduff and Micheál Ó Seighin. These five men from County Mayo, Ireland were jailed on 29 June 2005 by Justice Finnegan, President of the High Court of the Republic of Ireland, for contempt of court. They refused to obey a temporary court injunction forbidding them to interfere with work being undertaken by Shell on their land. Shell intended to build a high pressure raw gas pipeline across land in Rossport to pipe gas from the offshore Corrib Gas Field. Three of the five men own land in Rossport: Vincent McGrath and Ó Seighin were brought to court along with them because they had assisted in blocking the Shell workers. About thirty others who had done the same were not charged. The government granted planning permission to Enterprise Oil (subsequently taken over by Shell) to build an onshore gas processing plant and to supply it using a high pressure pipeline which runs as close as seventy metres to the houses of some of these men.

There were protests all over Ireland during the period of the men's imprisonment, with Statoil (Shell's junior partner) and Shell filling stations being picketed and blockaded by both political activists and ordinary, angry members of the public. Defending his company's stance, Shell Ireland's CEO Andy Pyle said: "The fact is that we've gone through a process, and we have five people who don't like the outcome." All Shell sites around Rossport and Bellinaboy were blockaded by the mens' neighbours, preventing work. Local TD Michael Ring said that Ireland was now a "dictatorship within a democracy". In an unusual move by the Irish judiciary, the men were told that a judge would be on hand at any time of day or night, if they wanted to purge their contempt, i.e. promise they would allow Shell to build on their lands. The men did not back down.

Willie Corduff and other Shell to Sea campaigners protest at the trespass of Paddy McGrath's land by Barnacullia pier, June 2007
Willie Corduff and other Shell to Sea campaigners protest at the trespass of Paddy McGrath's land by Barnacullia pier, June 2007

The men were released from Cloverhill Prison on 30 September 2005, after 94 days, when Shell applied to the High Court to have the injunction lifted. This came after intense media and political scrutiny of the case. The campaign to free the men consolidated into Shell to Sea after their release.

The five men and their supporters have continued to campaign on the issue.[1] In September 2006, a TNS/MRBI poll commissioned by RTE showed that "Two thirds of those surveyed (throughout County Mayo) supported the stance taken by the five men from Rossport in their defiance of a court order in relation to the Corrib Gas pipeline.", with less than a quarter disagreeing with them.

In January 2007, "Our Story: The Rossport Five", the mens' own accounts of the events leading up to their imprisonment, was published by Small World Media (

In April 2007, Wille Corduff won the Goldman Environmental Prize on behalf of Europe. The five other winners (from Canada, Iceland, Mongolia, Peru and Zambia) were all accompanied by representatives of their governments when they went to collect their prizes in San Francisco, and their achievements were celebrated officially on their return to their home countries. Only Ireland did not see fit to do this.

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