Rosh Tzurim

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Rosh Tzurim
Founded 1969
Founded by Religious Scouts and Nahal
Region Judea
Industries Agriculture
Affiliation Religious Kibbutz Movement

Rosh Tzurim (Hebrew: ראש צורים‎, lit. Head of Rocks) is a religious Israeli settlement and kibbutz in the Gush Etzion area of the West Bank. A member of the Religious Kibbutz Movement, it falls under the jurisdiction of Gush Etzion Regional Council. In 2006 it had a population of around 100 families.

[edit] History

The kibbutz was established in 1969 by members of the Religious Scouts and Nahal soldiers. It is located on a hilltop that had previously been occupied by Ein Tzurim, a kibbutz that was destroyed in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War by the Jordanian Arab Legion and later re-established in the Lakhish area.

[edit] Economy

The kibbutz raises turkeys, produces milk and grows grapes for wine production.

It is located on the site of the ancient Beth Zechariah.
