Rosette Christopher

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Rosette Christopher
Chrono Crusade character
Rosette Christopher
Rosette Christopher
First appearance Episode 1
Last appearance Episode 24
Created by Daisuke Moriyama
Voiced by Tomoko Kawakami (Japanese)
Hilary Haag (English)
Aliases Mary Magdalene
Age 16
Known relatives Joshua Christopher (brother)
Affiliation Order of Magdalene by the demons (anime only)

Rosette Christopher (ロゼット・クリストファ Rosetto Kurisutofa?) is a fictional character from the Chrono Crusade anime and manga series. Along with her partner Chrono, they set foot to retrieve her brother, who was taken by Aion.


[edit] Early life

At the age of eleven, Rosette lived with her brother Joshua and the other orphans at the Seventh Bell Orphanage while being looked after by Miss Jean. When Joshua's powers began to awake, Father Remington comes into the picture, he expresses the Order’s interest in Joshua. Seeing that he is one of the apostles, Remington wants to place Joshua in protective custody. Since she has a special bond with her brother and doesn't want him to leave her, she takes him into the forest, planning to hide out until Remington decides to give up and leave.

[edit] Chrono

While out in the forest, the pair accidentally stumble unto an underground tomb, and meet a weakened Chrono. Despite that Chrono tells them he is a devil, the three of them quickly become friends. Since there, Rosette and Joshua have visited Chrono a few times.

A few days later, Rosette ran to Chrono late at night. She tells him that Joshua was going to leave to pursue his interests in the Order. At that time, Aion in a form of an eagle appears, tells her about Chrono's past and what he has given to Joshua. After hearing this, Chrono transforms to his original form and the pair head to Seventh Bell. Upon arriving, they see the orphans running away from the orphanage. Suddenly, a purple blast covers them all and turns them to stone. They then see Joshua with blood on his head and Chrono’s horns now attached. Saddened and scared of her brother’s madness, Rosette tells him that he is acting strangely. This action reverts Joshua back to his old self temporarily. Before the madness took hold of him again, he warns Chrono and Rosette to stay away from him. Moments later, the surrounding area turns to stone.

After the incident, Rosette asked Chrono about what he could do in order to save Joshua, as those were his horns that Joshua himself was using. Chrono replied that he can’t do anything as he was low on Astral Energy, and tells of the possibility of forming a contract in which he could feed off Rosette’s life energy in order to help find Joshua. He warns her of all the dangers and consequences involved, but Rosette accepts this and wears a pocket watch around her neck to symbolize that contract.

Soon afterwards, Father Remington brought the pair back to the New York Branch of the Order despite the protests from the higher ups. The anime does not cover the beginnings of Rosette and Chrono at the Order but according to the manga, Rosette was bullied by the girls constantly because of her contract with Chrono. This seems to be untrue in the anime, since they do not find out that Chrno is a devil until he nearly broke the seal after Rosette was hurt. Her friend and mentor, Elizabeth Gransberg, was there to comfort her in those hard times and with the help of Rosette’s own attitude and determination, she found herself and Chrono became respected as well as popular in the Order.

[edit] Journey to find Joshua

After the incident at Central Park and at the train station (followed by the Christmas season) Rosette traveled to San Francisco with Azmaria and Chrono. Along the way the train was hijacked by Rizelle for reasons of her own. A battle with Rizelle and Rosette ensued and the group continued on its way. The train itself was destroyed after the battle so the group continued on foot. Satella then rode up and offered them a ride to San Francisco. It is at this point that some major differences between the anime and manga surface.

[edit] Rosette’s awakening

Upon arriving at San Francisco, they meet DeFaux, a demon who offers them a form of an alliance. Despite Satella's opposition, Rosette accepts this offer. Later, when she took a bath, she felt sharp pains on her wrists. Upon looking, she found herself bleeding from cross-like wounds. Though the wounds pained her, she kept them a secret until she inadvertently revealed them to Chrono, who promptly identified them as Stigmata.

Following the story, Rosette finally caught up Joshua in a carnival. At that time, Aion and the other sinners appeared, using pandemonium's head and the apostle with Rosette is the seventh for the Ritual of Atonement. Afterward, Chrono and Joshua battle each other. Though the fight ends with Chrono's victory, but he is petrified and Rosette is abducted by Aion.

After the events mentioned above, Aion is seen trying to convince Rosette to work for him but she immediately refused, and bit him. She momentarily becomes free until Aion begins to question her life purpose, recalling Chrono’s last words for her to live. He then calls her stigmata into question. Later, Rosette is seen with Aion wearing the robe having fallen under his sway.

[edit] As the saint

Rosette As The Saint.
Rosette As The Saint.

In a mesmerized state, Rosette does the will of Aion and she starts to heal people. Aion arranges for Chrono (after he’s been freed from his stone state) and Rosette to meet in an abandoned church. As Aion talks to Chrono about breaking the contract between the two, Chrono unsuccessfully tries to talk some sense to Rosette.

Afterwards, they meet again in central park. At that time, Aion again deceives Rosette by making her to shoot Chrono, but he suddenly is attacked by Chrono. Rosette then free from mesmerism, decides to give up the rest of her life to transform Chrono into his original form. As Chrono beckons her not to, she does it anyway. A very brief battle with Aion ensues and he is defeated. Chrono suffers from some wounds of his own and Rosette calls his name. Rosette’s friends arrive at Central Park later and only find traces of Aion’s bird and Rosette’s gun.

[edit] Last moments

Rosette and Chrno' last moment
Rosette and Chrno' last moment

Several days or weeks later, Rosette returns to Seventh Bell to use Aion’s horns to reverse the effects done on the orphanage then later place the horns in the tomb of Magdalene. They go into hiding and spend their last days together in a far away country farm house. They are last seen talking together, Rosette offers Chrono the rest of her life to transform him into his true form and instantly heal himself, but he refuses, saying that he wants to spent every last moments he had with her. Rosette begins to have second thoughts about dying, pleading for just a little bit more time, crying in Chrno's arms. They embraced one another, and Rosette watches the sun go down before they died together peacefully.

Later on, the remaining members of the Magdalene Order arrive at the farmhouse. However, all that remains of Chrono and Rosette are their bodies, sitting peacefully together on the swinging bench. Their friends bury Rosette under a tree with Azmaria placing the watch near the grave. Because of the text on the gravestone:

Rosette Christopher 1912 – 1928 “A devoted believer who dashed through the brilliant light of life”
"Chrono – Dearest friend and devoted protector”

We can assume that Chrono and Rosette were buried together.

We witness Sister Kate Valentine talking on the phone with Remington, asking if a person who has made a contract with a devil will go to hell. He says no. She is relieved and tearfully proclaims that Rosette was more pure-hearted than anyone else. "No girl was as brave or more deserving of paradise than she was". Sister Kate's words speak of her relationship with Rosette in a new light: she did not hate Rosette, as the younger girl often assumed, but loved her as a sister.

[edit] Difference between the manga and the anime

Rosette and Chrono reunite after eight years of separation
Rosette and Chrono reunite after eight years of separation

In the manga, Rosette's role is somewhat different in that she was not one of the Apostles or the Saint. Also, she learned about Chrono's past by diving into his soul.

In the manga, Rosette survived much longer and waited for Chrono's return only to reunite after eight years. They are last shown at the end, with the two of them embracing one another. After that, it is unlikely Rosette survived much longer as she just suffered from a heart attack moments before their reunion. While in the anime she died at 16, the inscription on her gravestone in the manga confirms that she died at 24, [(1908-1932). Chrono's fate is uncertain, though in the epilogue of the manga, flowers are left on Rosette's grave each year, despite the fact that the location of the grave was not left in her will.

[edit] Trivia