Rosenkranz double

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This article concerns contract bridge and uses terminology associated with the game. See Contract bridge glossary for an explanation of unfamiliar words or phrases.

The Rosenkranz double is a bridge convention invented by Dr. George Rosenkranz. although he no longer plays the convention, rather using the reverse Rosenkranz double, under which system the meanings of the bids are reversed.

While playing Rosencranz doubles, if a player overcalls an opening bid and the next player makes a bid, a double by the partner of the overcaller (advancer) shows a raise in partner's suit that includes the ace, king or queen of that suit. If the partner of the opening bidder makes a negative double over the overcall, then a redouble by the advancer shows a raise with one of the top three honors.

Conversely, if the advancer, in either situation, merely raises the suit bid by the overcaller, this indicates that he does not hold one of the top three honors in the suit of his partner.

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