Rose Point

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Rose Point is a very small peninsula located within the town of Wareham, Massachusetts, USA. It is formed by the splitting of the Sippican River into the Weweantic River.

[edit] Geography

Rose Point begins very wide and then abruptly narrows at its easternmost point. The physical landscape is hilly with a slope that gradually ascends on either side to a peak of about 60 feet at the center of the peninsula. Rose Point features very sandy soil and is heavily wooded. Vegetation on the point consists primarily of White Pine, Pitch Pine, Cedar and Scrub Oak with a few Maples and other coniferous and deciduous tress mixed in.

[edit] Climate

The climate is Humid Continental: Warm Summers. The rivers and nearby Buzzards Bay surrounding Rose Point moderate temperatures, making winters about 3 degrees warmer and summers 3 degrees cooler than just 5 miles inland. The moderating effect is about 10 degrees from fifty miles inland. This is a very pleasant feature for local residents as refreshing sea breezes make summers relatively comfortable. This is not to say however that Rose Point does not experience hot, sultry days, they are less common however. Winters are cold, damp, and windy with high temperatures generally ranging between the mid twenties and the low 40s and overnight lows often dropping into the teens. Snow is common, averaging 36 inches per Winter season. Rainfall averages about 45 inches annually and is well distributed through the year. March is typically the wettest month.